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you know youv'e picked the wrong person to go with when....

Guest srvman

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when they go to bed before the headliner on the saturday night. leaving you on your own stone cold sober in the pyramid field.

when they get up at 7am every morning and rummage around the tent waking you up. then again not as though you're short on sleep as they wanted to go to bed at 12! :huh:

when on the monday morning they run to get the coach even though you've got over an hour to get there, leaving you unable to keep up and not being able to see as you are not wearing your contacts, terrified that you aren't gonna be able to find it and get compeltely lost when you can't see where you're going. even when they turn around and see you crying your eyes out (at glastonbury! as a person who never cries) still don't stop.

needless to say i'm going with someone else this year!

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The ultimate annoying feature of poor festival buddies HAS to be the ones who go back to the tent before the headliners. Surely there must be SOMEONE that you don't mind giving a go on one of the stages. You're there anyway...it's more of an effort to disappear back to your tent completely, after all?

That said - as has been mentioned; nothing wrong with disappearing on your own at a festival. I've seen countless bands on my own and would never DREAM of going to a normal gig alone. People tend to be friendlier, you'll bump into someone with a common interest in the band you're watching and have a great time. I remember my mates getting bored after 2 songs of Primal Scream's set at V2007 and disappearing back to the tent. Leaving me absolutely sober with everybody else seemingly off their face. Turned out being one of my greatest festival moments!

Luckily, for Glasto - we have a smaller group who seem much more in tune with each other, so there should only be a few acts I need to watch alone; Bon Iver, Fight Like Apes, Enter Shikari, The King Blues, The Big Pink, Fleet Foxes. No worries.

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I'm in a similar boat, except I booked my ticket in a rush of spontaneity a couple of weeks ago, I'm tagging along with a guy I know from work and his gang (none of whom I have met)

So if the music/personality tastes vary too much over the 5 nights, please look out for a lonely newbie wandering the fields looking for friends! :)

Anyone else been Billy-No-Mates for Glasto before? :)

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I haven't read all the intervening messages. but am I the only one who read that in the voice of Karl Pilkington... tell me it's him!?! :-)

i know where you are coming from, but the conversation went something like this...

me:you see the line up...


me: pretty lgood, cant wait to see madness, tom jones, rolf harris, spinal tap, be a good laugh..

x: just seen dizzie, lady gaga is on the bill, mate all of those are not even like first choice, 2nd choice at a push

me: you kidding?

x: no, dizzie rascal will be awesome as will lady gaga, dont want to see the aussie...tom jones a bit passed it maybe? dont know if madness will be good fun or not....


x: yeah...whats on same time as rolf...

me: nothing important...

x: think ill just sleep in...

me: i really think you should just come for a laugh...

x: nah ill be pretty tired after friday...

me: well what you planning doing on friday..

x:dunno whos on...

me: bloc party or neil young, i think ill be at neil young...

x:oh i donno, might just see act before and go to bed...

me: before the headliner

x:yeah save myself for saturday...

me:but your sleeping in on saturday?

x: yeah but itll be a long day...

me: LMAO, ah f**k your hilarious sometimes and i dont even think you notice lol

etc etc

etc etc


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That Dizzie Rascal song "Bonkers" is the most annoying song on the planet.

Yesterday I was attemting to complete my IT coursework completely and some bastard kept on playing it... CONSTANTLY. By the end of the 9 till 3 session I wanted to kill said bastard.

Anyway I was going to go with a friend last year and he said if there was an act that he hated he would wonder off and leave. Luckily now he's lightened up and I'm taking him next year, I think he realised that Glastonbury isn't about being "cool" it's about enjoying yourself and having the time of your lifes. I'm a wee bit nervous about taking him next year though because me and him don't have the same music tastes sometimes, but hopefully it will all work out fine, and if Michael Eavis is true too his word (The Line Up will feature an act that has played every single year) then that would be perfect because he prefers older bands. Hopefully he'll be prepared to give anything a try even if it's a band that he hates.



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Anyway.... you know you've picked the wrong person to go with when they stumble over the fire that took you an hour to make, having had the one and only argument of your 15 year friendship with your best friend over, land in it, tell you how they've taken their weekend's supply of drugs that afternoon (Wednesday) and proceed to take their shit filled pants off and fling them into the crowd passing by. He was an aquaintance, we avoided him after that...
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I'm in a similar boat, except I booked my ticket in a rush of spontaneity a couple of weeks ago, I'm tagging along with a guy I know from work and his gang (none of whom I have met)

So if the music/personality tastes vary too much over the 5 nights, please look out for a lonely newbie wandering the fields looking for friends! :)

Anyone else been Billy-No-Mates for Glasto before? :)

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Dizzee Rascal was phenomenal warming up for Prodigy last month, think he will go down well at Glasto.

Last year we went with a work colleague who didn't really drink, and didn't approve much of our drinking. She put a bit of a dampner on things, but not much, as I just drank a little more subtlely and slowly than I usually would in the early afternoons, then got hammered during the late afternoons and evenings. If anything it allowed me to remember more of Glasto.

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Most of my group last year were back at the campsite during/immediatly after the headliners and didn't ever out after the music had finished. Fortuantly there were 2/3 of us who went out pretty much every night so still had a great time, and those who were a bit of a bore last year havn't come back

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The ultimate annoying feature of poor festival buddies HAS to be the ones who go back to the tent before the headliners. Surely there must be SOMEONE that you don't mind giving a go on one of the stages. You're there anyway...it's more of an effort to disappear back to your tent completely, after all?
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I'm going with my mate and his brother and in the 10 years we have been going to Glasto they have never visited the Stone Circle, Green Fields, Shangri La, Lost Vagueness or Trash City! :rolleyes: They tend to stick to the seeing the same old bands and insist on camping as near to the main stages as possible as they can't be bothered to walk anywhere. Needless to say I spend a lot of my time checking out bands on my own but always have a fantastic time. :)

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The worst one was a guy who I not only camped with but give a lift to the festival too was when he announced on the Wednesday after setting up "So I have to do some stuff Monday, can we leave Sunday night or early hours Monday morning."

I never did find out how he got home.

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The worst one was a guy who I not only camped with but give a lift to the festival too was when he announced on the Wednesday after setting up "So I have to do some stuff Monday, can we leave Sunday night or early hours Monday morning."

I never did find out how he got home.

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You know youve picked the wrong person to go with when.........

......they insist that the police sniffer dog sleeps in the tent when they are not working......

...... they insist that 12 eggs a day is a healthy diet............

......they think that Ladt GaGa should headline the Pyramid stage.......

......they insist that there is nothing in the tin foil they have asked you to look after but on the safe side best shove it up your jacksey....

......they like to hunt for lost treasure in the long drops........

.....they wear wellies even though it hasnt rained for 4 weeks and we are in the midst of the hottest weather for ten years " but it all aways rains at Glastonbury".......

......they say "shouldn,t cider just be made from apples?"....

.......they spend all day working their way to the front of the stage before deciding they need a poo....

.......they go on all day about how a girl from friends was in a Bruce Springstein video so he must be good.....

.......they ask if Neil Young was the one who won Xfactor......

and finally.......they ask if its okay to pee in the tent five minutes after they have just finished.


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The worst one was a guy who I not only camped with but give a lift to the festival too was when he announced on the Wednesday after setting up "So I have to do some stuff Monday, can we leave Sunday night or early hours Monday morning."

I never did find out how he got home.

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