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Any other first timers...

Guest OneLittleFish

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Less than a month to go, I can't wait! I can't wait for how the stages are open later than anywhere else, I can't wait to get the tent up and stuff collected from Joe Bananas for the first beer of the weekend, I can't wait for wandering round Trash City, Green Fields etc. to see the unusual, I can't wait to natter all night with randoms and the only time that I realise the time is when the sun comes up, it's like going to my first ever festival all over again, but with even more excitement!

Less than a month to go, bring it on!

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Oh yeah, can't wait for Rolf harris to get his wobbleboard out, to be drunkenly screaming "WOOOOOOOOOOAH!!!" along to Born To Run, to find the act on a tiny stage that I'd never previously heard of and will end up following for the rest of my life, for that brilliant feeling when there's music coming at you from all directions, stalls, and stages yet it all makes perfect sense, to help a random person out when they need it knowing that if you need help yourself someone will be there to give you a hand and the coach journey that although painfully long, dull and tedious is okay as you know at the other end of it there's a weekend of amazingness ahead.

I'm getting a little obsessive over Glasto now, does this go away after your first one or does it stay like this?

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I'm getting a little obsessive over Glasto now, does this go away after your first one or does it stay like this?
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Glad somebody else feels the same way!!

I'm a newbie and I'm constantly trying to rain in the excitement just in case it doesn't live up to my expectations, but I just find myself glastobating all the time.

Even though I feel I know a bit about the place just by reading these forums, I think I'm still going to be bowled over by the sheer size of the place and the amount of stuff going on all over the site.

Re-confirmed my love for festivals over the last couple of weeks by attending 2 cracking little festivals in the shape of Bearded Theory and Glastonbudget so the big one will just be the icing on the cake.

Come and say hi if you see a little fella in a daft hat with his mouth open pointing at stuff going 'It's all so beautiful' over and over again...

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Glad somebody else feels the same way!!

I'm a newbie and I'm constantly trying to rain in the excitement just in case it doesn't live up to my expectations, but I just find myself glastobating all the time.

Even though I feel I know a bit about the place just by reading these forums, I think I'm still going to be bowled over by the sheer size of the place and the amount of stuff going on all over the site.

Re-confirmed my love for festivals over the last couple of weeks by attending 2 cracking little festivals in the shape of Bearded Theory and Glastonbudget so the big one will just be the icing on the cake.

Come and say hi if you see a little fella in a daft hat with his mouth open pointing at stuff going 'It's all so beautiful' over and over again...

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I'm the same. I've been to Leeds and V which were great, as let's be honest, you can't really go wrong if you're in a field with your mates, music, loads of girls in shorts and a head full of acid, but i know nothing will compare to this one.

I think the main difference i'm looking forward to is all the other stuff to do apart from bands, and i'm delighted we won't be trudging back to our tents at 12 o'clock too.

It's also right at the end of exams and stuff, lovely timing really. I've been bugging my mates with texts about the line up, 3d disco, circus and all that stuff and i don't think they quite get how much different it's going to be to the other festivals we've been to.

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i'm not a first timer, but its good to see so many people going for the first time and looking forward to it so much! you will most definitely not be disppointed!

the only thing is the obsession just gets worse every year, I havent been able to think of anything apart from how good its gonna be for weeks!

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I'm a Glasto first timer too. In fact, I'm a festival first timer. I think I now spend most of my time on Youtube, watching past Glasto footage.



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I'm a first timer too and I'm just the same, I've been soaking up Glasto related stuff like a sponge, reading stuff, looking at photos, watching the DVD, looking on you tube, studying the lineups, studying the maps, talk talk talking about it, counting down on my desktop, buying stuff I want/need, I packed 2 weeks ago!!!!!! I'm hooked and I haven't been yet!!!!!!

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