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Pre Glasto warm up - what are you doing?

Guest Tristan

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Finishing packing, checking for the umpteenth time that I have my Glasto ticket, and that I didn't leave it out last time I checked I had it, and having a bottle of beer or two since last chance to drink out of glass for a week.

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Probably still unpacking, we move house June 9th, so I will still be surrounded by boxes!, Then having a good nights sleep as I will have to get up at stupid a clock to get my daughter to school on time, whilst braving all the Glasto traffic headed this way.

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Be packing up the wagon before having an early night. Whilst the rest of the gang (there’s 14 of us) continue to get drunk until I wake up and get them all in the cars ready for the 3pm start. Then It will be a funny thing watching the hangovers kick in when we get to Glasto and have to hike our stuff to camp.

It may sound cruel to take pleasure in other peoples pain, but I'm the one who missed out on the party celebrations the night before, and then I have to put up with the drunken hoard whilst finding my way to Glasto in the dark.

"No we cannot stop for a toilet break... again"

Can't wait till we get on site and then the celebrations can truly begin.

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Going out with running club on the Tuesday night !

There should be 2 or 3 of us Glasto attendee's, wind the rest of the runners up with how giddy and excited

we are.

Spend loads of time in steam room afterwards and cleanse my soul.

Try and get some sleep and then leave house at 3.00 am to collect two mates !!


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I'm actually moving into my new flat on the Tuesday and trying to get a few hours sleep in it before getting up ridiculously early on Wednesday morning.

I'm even tempted just to drive down Tuesday night after I've moved all my boxes in now though..... :P

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Well not entirely sure yet but I expect I will be finishing work bang on 5.30 (fingers crossed). Driving from the Midlands to somewhere in Surrey to my parents home. Having dinner there, then either

1/ Driving to my bofyriends parents house in another part of Surrey and crashing there overnight after a few drinks before getting up at 5am


2/ Staying at my parents and then driving to boyfriends parents at 5am to meet some of the others


3/ Staying in one of the above places but leaving at about 2am when we will start our trip early due to one of the cars we are going with being really old.

We are undecided yet but hopefully I can make everyone decide this week.

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Jump in the car after work on Tuesday. Drive down from Leeds to my folks place in Huish Episcopi (about 15 miles from the site) where most of my mates will have already arrived. Have some bbq. A couple of swift jars of Stowford or Burrow Hill over at Eli's (a cracking pub with no bar and a till carved out of wood). Then rest my sleepy head for the early start and the race to our preferred pitch!

Definitely gonna struggle with work over the next few weeks. Come on Lasters!!


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I'll be packing, making 7 or 8 trips to Tesco to buy things I've forgotten then trying to get some sleep as we'll be leaving at about 3am and muggins here has to drive. No doubt there'll be a party going on downstairs.

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Flying to Bristol on Tues morning, having a day out seeing some sights there, then staying in taunton where we will meet up with the rest of our group prob have a few drinks, attempt an early night to head in to the site first thing on Wednesday.
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Jump in the car after work on Tuesday. Drive down from Leeds to my folks place in Huish Episcopi (about 15 miles from the site) where most of my mates will have already arrived. Have some bbq. A couple of swift jars of Stowford or Burrow Hill over at Eli's (a cracking pub with no bar and a till carved out of wood). Then rest my sleepy head for the early start and the race to our preferred pitch!

Definitely gonna struggle with work over the next few weeks. Come on Lasters!!


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