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John peel stage its just not very john peel

Guest crashnburn

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looking at the line up for the john peel tent it just not very much like john peel, would he even bother visiting it or would he be in the jazz world / park / avalon / club dada?

wheres the music that would cause most people to scratch their heads, the mere fact that ive actually heard of most of the bands there is definatly not like a representation of a peel radio show.

If you wanted to offer respect to john peel they should have named a more obscure diverse tent after him it would have been more fitting. where at least 3 of the bands should have been completely unlistenable to.

It used to be the new bands stage but now it just looks like an overspill from the other stage most of the high up bands have played bigger stages in previous years so its not got that sense of discovery you should get with something named after peel

Probably not articulated this very well and will just irritate people but i thought it needed to be said -the stage still looks ok and i will spend some time there but it just doesn't seem right

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It used to be called the new bands tent - the emphasis is that it was a new tent rather than new bands played there (although it's make up was heavily new acts).

I agree that Peel would more often be found near the Jazz World area, but I still think that naming the tent after him is a fitting tribute.

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They only named it after Peel as a tribute to him when he died rather than being a dedicated stage for Peel-esque music. New Band stage was a stupid name as it was only so called as it was a new stage rather than featuring "new" bands so it makes sense that that was the one that got renamed. If you want them pay tribute to JP by naming something that features a wide range of diverse acts then the only way to do it would be renaming the whole festival to Peelbury or GlastJohnbury.

As a side note I got very confused when Dodgy played the new stage in 1999 though cos they'd been around for years and being offered crack by a man who'd lost his brother and camera while I was fairly smashed myself didn't help while I was waiting for them to come on. I politely declined and walked away of course.

Edited by Monkismo
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It's just an overspill for the Other stage these days, although i guess The Park has taken it's place to a degree.

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Maybe it's not really John Peel's sort of music, but still a good stage. Last year one of my best afternoons was hanging around the JP stage. It's got a nice slope all the way around, with a bar at the top, and bogs at the bottom. Good place to chill out. Enjoyed Vampire weekend, Holy f**k, British Sea Power, even (dare I say it?) the Ting Tings.

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Maybe it's not really John Peel's sort of music, but still a good stage. Last year one of my best afternoons was hanging around the JP stage. It's got a nice slope all the way around, with a bar at the top, and bogs at the bottom. Good place to chill out. Enjoyed Vampire weekend, Holy f**k, British Sea Power, even (dare I say it?) the Ting Tings.
Edited by lovelessrapture
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Yeah I really couldn' see Peel playing The Ting Tings (unless they'd been around circa 1979) who played there last year and were far too popular for the size of the tent.

But then I suppose it was probably the most appropriate stage to rename.

It's a shame there's nobody who gets to play the diveristy of music that he used to play (other than on dandelion fm), the closest thing on mainstream radio is perhaps the freak zone on 6 music.

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