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girly question

Guest jwmwow

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Off course they don't have sex in other countries you know :D Babies are delivered by Storks!

I'd say our problems are more to do with prudish attitudes, hungover from Victorian times which stop parents having frank and honest discussions about sex to prepare their kids emotionally.

They have far fewer problems in Scandanavian countries for example where they are much more laid back about the whole subject, and are at it like Rabbits (with a whole truck load of double-As ;) The girls know what I'm talking about :P

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You really are a reactionary bell end aren't you? Hmm, yes I must be female to object to the shit you post mustn't I? Oh and you forgot to include living on state handouts in the pejorative bollocks you spouted because you do seem to be a complete carpet-chewing Tory moron.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm a happily married father of three.

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A drunken smelly shag with a stranger is something that I would run a mile away from doing at Glastonbury. It turns my stomach at the thought of doing it. However, if the OP is happy to partake in this activity then who are we to judge. It is her body and she can do what the hell she wants.

As somebody has said though, the strange thing about the OP is why they feel the need to source reassurance from a bunch of strangers on a public forum nearly one year later. ;)

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My daughter is 21, I f she came back and told me she had had sex with three stranger's, I'd first ask if she used protection.

I would then ask what the circumstances were on each occassion, was she drunk? Ect..

I would then ask her to think about why she felt the need, to have sex with three different guys.

My daughter and I have a very open and relaxed relationship, when it comes to talking about sex, I wouldn't judge her for it, but I would not encourage her to be so free with her self, for many reasons, the Obvious ones like, STD's as well as the danger factor's like her not knowing these men from Adam, and maybe getting her self into a situation that she can't handle.

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Yeh and what a role model you must be to your kids! Encouraging girls to have sex at the drop of a hat with strangers they have just met!

No wonder this country is in the state it is today with such high single parents/teenage pregnancy/STD.

Im sorry but Im I wrong in thinking girls should not just give it up to any tom dick or harry they meet at festival???

Sex should not be given away so easily! ;)

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i cant believe those arses at emirates have specified no sex in the bedrooms on the a380. if you've paid several thousand pounds for a single ticket with a bed then you should be able to do whatever i reckon, it should come with a free 'service' from one of the stewards imho
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Well seeing that Adultery is illegal in Dubai and public sex is also illegal what do you expect.

Also there are the safety issues with being entwined in passion when the fasten seatbelt sign comes on.

There is the mess, the noise, good grief there are loads of reasons why not!

and is that Stewards or Stewardess?

this is not a serous comment by the way I am in a frivolous mood...

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yeah im not very judgemental but from the sounds of it this woman does f**k around and her friends think she hasnt got much self respect so she decided to go and post a message on a festival forum hoping for these sort of "its your body/you go girl" kind of responses. the real question is why you feel so insecure that you need to f**k 3 guys in a festival and then feel insecure about the f**king afterwards to the point where you have come on here to post.
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I think you applied your own belief and value system to the the information presented and then assumed that you knew the circumstances that had led to the action. For example, the sex was due to insecurity rather than enjoyment of the act.

Obviously face to face it would be a lot easier to be objective, but an effort can still be made on a forum.

I'd agree that 3 sounds well above average, but that's partly influenced by my count of zero since the mid 90s.

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I'm always suprised when I'm wrong, doesn't stop me being wrong though.

I don't think it's unusual to be posting about it now. Taken at face value the post has been prompted by a friend's comment not the actions of last year. Perhaps the comment was a recent one? We don't know. My friends are certainly talking more about previous experiences than they were a few months back.

Having sex 3 times at Glastonbury is likely to be 'abnormal' in the sense that it's an event very few would experience. I very much doubt it's unique though, and I don't think it's wrong if proper precautions are taken.

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There seems to be a lot of arguing in this thread and it all boils down to people's personal opinion.

In my opinion, having sex with 3 strangers at Glastonbury suggests that the woman in question is very insecure about herself. Posting about her sexual conquests doesn't help the situation either.

I wouldn't have a problem at all if she had sex 3 times with a long-term or even short-term partner she knew quite well, but to sleep with literally anyone smells of desperation.

Personally, i'd never sleep with anyone I didn't know very well. I like to get to know the person and see whether we have a connection. Meaningless sex with a stranger in a tent is possibly the worst thing I could do because I like to think I have a great deal of self-respect.

If you feel differently then by all means help yourself. Just don't expect me to hang around anyone willing to throw themselves around as willingly as that.

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