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Can you really 'FEEL' it yet? There's a buzz in the air!

Guest LusciousLucy

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OK...yes this is just another one of those excited threads but as we get closer to the big event...the sunny weather outside, the lovely green lushness of the trees, the smell of June all around...I just wanted to flurble on about how I am sat here watching the GP aching to go outside and do Glasto prep. Be at one with the outdoors painting up banners and flags and putting up the tent whilst the molecules in the air surrounding you are all whispering 'it's Glastonbury soon'...just make you tingle all over in anticipation!

I'm lucky in that I have lived at the same house for many years and this time of year and the sun shining outside just makes my memory and fuzzy feelings run in overdrive and add to that all the other elements...the smells, the vibes...

now to find a suitable piece of fabric so I can get outside and start playing and painting! ;)

How is everyone else coping now at this ever nearer hour?

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OK...yes this is just another one of those excited threads but as we get closer to the big event...the sunny weather outside, the lovely green lushness of the trees, the smell of June all around...I just wanted to flurble on about how I am sat here watching the GP aching to go outside and do Glasto prep. Be at one with the outdoors painting up banners and flags and putting up the tent whilst the molecules in the air surrounding you are all whispering 'it's Glastonbury soon'...just make you tingle all over in anticipation!

I'm lucky in that I have lived at the same house for many years and this time of year and the sun shining outside just makes my memory and fuzzy feelings run in overdrive and add to that all the other elements...the smells, the vibes...

now to find a suitable piece of fabric so I can get outside and start playing and painting! :D

How is everyone else coping now at this ever nearer hour?

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NOw out in the garden digging up weeds playing Orbital's (now not) last ever show on the MP3 getting all excited for this Wednesday's show and as for building up to Glasto...the smell of the mud is making me giddy!

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Was feeling great this morning. Really, really excited - just getting prepared to go Glasto shopping, had my list in hand and all.

I walked down to the train station and waited for my 'friends', and waited, and waited. I wish some of my actual friends had enough money for a ticket.

But I'll be okay again tomorrow. :blink:

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Emailed round our 'Who's taking what to Glasto?' list to our Gang this morning to ensure that we don't end up with four washing up bowls and no washing up liquid etc.

Was going to put the tent up for a check over this morning but we had horrendous thunder storms overnight and the grass is pretty wet so that will have to wait for a day or two.

But it's getting closer and the tingling has started.

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