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Funniest Thing you've seen/heard at Rockness?

Guest Hebn2themix

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the monday morning i think? some people were going down the big hill in the campsite in a shopping trolley...one guy must of fallen out and was lying on the floor...then a girl went down next and hit the guy and went flying...was sooo funny. what a weekend.

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Sunday Night/Monday Morning, sitting at our camp in the Yellow, finishing off the weekends "supplies" This big guy who'd been camped next to us all weekend comes over to talk to us, about 6.5 covered in tattoos, scary looking mother f**ker !

Turned out to be a sound guy, full of quality festival storys himself. Whilst he was talking to us two security guards had walked up to his mates and told them to turn down their cd player because it was keeping everyone up, They started arguing and this wee ned of a security guard said something about "ripping your tiny penis off"

So the big tattooed guy walks over to them at this point and says "here mate want to see my penis?", whips his knob out and the security guard promptly jogs off in disgust. Big man comes back over to reveal... I (L) ME tattooed down his knob.

f**king Legend.

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Hearing a girl say "my fanny is stuck to my leg" made me laugh an awful lot.

The banter between the guys camped next to us when we kept shouting quotes from the tourettes programme that was on bbc the other week, ARTHUR DALY!

After losing one of our mates during the day on sunday, walking back after Prodigy, seeing him sitting f**ked out of his face on an inflatable couch with two of the fattest girls to ever go to a festival haha was brilliant!

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Funniest thing this year was either the guy bare-chested witha mohawk in Yellow doin stunts on the hill that nearly broke his neck e.g Sprinting down the hill holding a pram, jumping and turning and managing to sit on the pram an then land on a massive ball and bounce off. Nearly broke his neck when he landed lol

Or the guys singing "BOBBY ZAMORA!. . . . . " ALL NIGHT. Annoying at 1st bt as the night went on, an a couple of cans l8r I thought it was totaly hilarious

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on sat morning when me an my bro were in our tent,his ipod just randomly shuffled onto rick astley's "never gonna give you up" an got stuck,like it actually wouldnt turn off for ages!!

the abuse we got from surrounding tents was f*ckin hilarious...

OUOTE "omg are you's f*ckin for REAL?????"

talk about bein rick rolled........


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on sat morning when me an my bro were in our tent,his ipod just randomly shuffled onto rick astley's "never gonna give you up" an got stuck,like it actually wouldnt turn off for ages!!

the abuse we got from surrounding tents was f*ckin hilarious...

OUOTE "omg are you's f*ckin for REAL?????"

talk about bein rick rolled........


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Funniest thing this year was either the guy bare-chested witha mohawk in Yellow doin stunts on the hill that nearly broke his neck e.g Sprinting down the hill holding a pram, jumping and turning and managing to sit on the pram an then land on a massive ball and bounce off. Nearly broke his neck when he landed lol

Or the guys singing "BOBBY ZAMORA!. . . . . " ALL NIGHT. Annoying at 1st bt as the night went on, an a couple of cans l8r I thought it was totaly hilarious

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are we the only ones who had names taken from the police for singing too much?:)

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Omg, was I there at this point?! I remember getting in trouble with security but not police!
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  • 9 months later...

A wee bump keep the excitement going :P

Can anyone think of any more?

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on saturday morning this guy called dave was walking past our tent shouting 'has anyone seen a polish bird with ginger hair?' he ended up over at our tent gabbing for ages, apparently he had went back to her tent the night before done the biz then left leaving his phone, wallet and camera! we told him she was busy taking pictures of his wallet whilst on the phone to poland! he left our tent and we thought that was that until we seen him later standing in the middle of the path with a ginger headed bird! we shouted over 'dave is that her' he then smiled and waved his phone and wallet at us! we seen him the next day again and he didnt have a clue who we were! great patter

or the guys that drove up from glasgow in a audi Q7 and had to sleep in a tent they borrowed from a childrens home! that got wrecked! we know ones called alan cause the other felt the need to shout on him all night while lying beside him in the tent!

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I love this thread :P:P:P
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