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Wet wipes / Baby wipes!

Guest alix08

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We all know what purposes they serve and couldn't be without them at festi's but how many are you taking to Glasto, wed - Mon?? Was thinking a big pack of baby wipes and a pack per day of the little handbag size?? Dont' want to carry more than we need for 2 but no way do we want to run out come Saturday morning! :unsure:

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i'm taking 100 and my boyfriend is taking the same. Theres so many things you need them for....make up removal, washing face, glasto shower, mud off boots before going in tent, emergency toilet paper, wiping crap off whatever you get covered in crap......i think better way to many than far too few!

Edited by roseyrose
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I must say I'm disappointed with the vague replies to this thread. For a more accurate estimate I suggest you use the following formula

Numb of Wet wipes = ((d * s * sin(u3) / log (rf)) * p * m0.5) * D) / (1 / Se)


d = number of days you will be there

u = units of alcohol you plan to consume

rf = average rainfall in mm per hour

s = surface area of your body in square milimetres

p = perspiration quotient

m = average mud depth in mm

D = time spent dancing

Se = Self esteem quotient (rated out of ten)

You can thank me later

Edited by Insomaniac
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I take a mixture.

A pack of specific facial wipes - this year I 've got neutrogena.

A large pack of proper nappy type wipes for other washing - pits, bits, getting mud off etc.

About 3 little packs to carry round with me for the loo and generic handwashing including getting mud off that can weirdly just fly onto your hand from nowhere! These sit alongsdie a pack of piocket tissues and that is me sorted.

Of course all mud comments are irrelevant cos it's goingt o be sunny!

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Really really recommend Morrisons own baby wipes, White pack gel unfragranced. They feel wetter than normal ones and feel amazing on your face! I use them at home for my face all the time and when friends use them they think they're dead posh/expensive!

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I must say I'm disappointed with the vague replies to this thread. For a more accurate estimate I suggest you use the following formula

Numb of Wet wipes = ((d * s * sin(u3) / log (rf)) * p * m0.5) * D) / (1 / Se)


d = number of days you will be there

u = units of alcohol you plan to consume

rf = average rainfall in mm per hour

s = surface area of your body in square milimetres

p = perspiration quotient

m = average mud depth in mm

D = time spent dancing

Se = Self esteem quotient (rated out of ten)

You can thank me later

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Really really recommend Morrisons own baby wipes, White pack gel unfragranced. They feel wetter than normal ones and feel amazing on your face! I use them at home for my face all the time and when friends use them they think they're dead posh/expensive!
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You average pound shop will probably do 20 little packets of tissues (with maybe 20 in each), for £1. We usually take a couple of those, and have a couple of packets each at a time in my pocket / her bag, and a big packets of wet wipes in the tent for evening + morning body wash. And I think the misses has a little packet of wet wipes on her person. And we often take a couple of sponges to leave in the tent.

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