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Sharing Tents

Guest Rufus Gwertigan

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A rather odd thread but I thought I would put it up.

Now I am due to work at the festival, and I will be in the crew camping, but I had planned on putting a tent up with efests just in case I get mashed lost. Now today I have had loads of offers of "Just crash in my tent Rufus", all from women I may add. I have a female friend that I go to festivals with, and often we share a tent, but even in light of that and the kind offers I have had I still feel really awkward. I don't know, maybe I am of a different generation (I'm in my 40's), or maybe i am just shy.

No I am not shy, as a lovely girl helped to put me in my bed at Sunrise. I think maybe I feel awkward around sleeping women. I suppose it is the ultimate in trust.....

I am waffling, and this is making me sound like a sociopath, but I was wondering on others views.

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I don't see anything wrong with it, you've been given an offer, just say thanks! There's no reason to feel uncomfortable if you're not going to do anything untoward, and the girl must trust you to let you share with her.

e2a perhaps she feels safer having a man in her tent than sleeping on her own, what with the potential of tent robberies and perhaps worse.

Edited by mandypants
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I was at a work do where we were camping and someone i know briefly from the other school the company runs was supporting a student on a camping trip we were on together, her student went to bed in his own tent then another member of staff i was with declared at 1am he hadnt got a tent, she kindly offered him her tent and came n kipped in with me - she only wears pants in bed too and proceeded to get into her sleeping bag and strip off - i was quite honoured she trusted me as much as she did and its the first time i think ive ever shared a tent with anyone - always had my own tent before now

If it comes to it, share, if you wanna lug an extra tent to the fest do so - but seriously, sharing isnt all that bad :rolleyes:

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I was at a work do where we were camping and someone i know briefly from the other school the company runs was supporting a student on a camping trip we were on together, her student went to bed in his own tent then another member of staff i was with declared at 1am he hadnt got a tent, she kindly offered him her tent and came n kipped in with me - she only wears pants in bed too and proceeded to get into her sleeping bag and strip off - i was quite honoured she trusted me as much as she did and its the first time i think ive ever shared a tent with anyone - always had my own tent before now

If it comes to it, share, if you wanna lug an extra tent to the fest do so - but seriously, sharing isnt all that bad :rolleyes:

Edited by Rufus Gwertigan
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I shared a tent with 2 boys I'd met that day at Shambala last August, it was all completely innocent, we just all fell asleep in the same tent (and I was woken up by one of their sisters the next morning, that was interesting). It's not a big deal, if a woman has invited you to sleep in her tent then she obviously trusts you enough not to get wandering hands or anything, so I wouldn't be too worried! :O

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I don't like sharing my tent, unless it's with a partner. I have a three man to myself which I keep messy for security reasons!

If she's offered then it shows she trusts you.... But can you trust her? She may be planning on taking advantage of you in your innocence!

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Each time my friend comes to Glasto she shares a tent with me, God knows why she keeps doing it because I must be a nightmare staggering in at 6am, snoring like f**k and just generally being a bloke. As has been said before, it must come down to trust, she's known me years and knows I'd never try anything on. She's one of those girls that's one of the lads.

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I don't see anything wrong with it, you've been given an offer, just say thanks! There's no reason to feel uncomfortable if you're not going to do anything untoward, and the girl must trust you to let you share with her.

e2a perhaps she feels safer having a man in her tent than sleeping on her own, what with the potential of tent robberies and perhaps worse.

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I don't see anything wrong with it, you've been given an offer, just say thanks! There's no reason to feel uncomfortable if you're not going to do anything untoward, and the girl must trust you to let you share with her.

e2a perhaps she feels safer having a man in her tent than sleeping on her own, what with the potential of tent robberies and perhaps worse.

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I don't see anything wrong with it, you've been given an offer, just say thanks! There's no reason to feel uncomfortable if you're not going to do anything untoward, and the girl must trust you to let you share with her.

e2a perhaps she feels safer having a man in her tent than sleeping on her own, what with the potential of tent robberies and perhaps worse.

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