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What are the worst things about V this year?

Guest Flaminglippy

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Is it the line-up?? The lack of a Thursday?? The lack of announcements?? The lack of any regard for the punters?? The fact that a stage may or may not have been pulled?? The rampaging gangs of tent-robbing, piss-lobbing chavs that will make the weekend the aural equivilent of root canal work?? The planks who are happy to get shafted out of £160 and will defend the organisers as they squeeze the last drop of enjoyment out of what used to be a great weekend...

So, SO many issues...

Edited by Flaminglippy
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Worst thing for me is the lineup, you can put up with all the other negative aspects if there are decent acts playing but noooooooo. Also in future i will not be paying £165 or whatever the ticket price is for a festival that is only 3 days long, with only 2 of the days having music on when it actually worked out cheaper for me to buy a glastonbury ticket that is 6 days long has god no's how many stages, free lineup times (rather than getting charged a feckin tenner!) u get the drift? ;)

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there is enough in the lineup to keep me happy and know will enjoy the atmosphere (although worry a bit about oasis day) the lack of announcements and the removal of thursday (as was getting our hopes up on a shift to 3dayer last year)

oh and while at it price is not good for a 2dayer as been investigating foriegn festies and although u have to pay for flights the actual cost of 3, 4 & even 5 day festivals is equivalent of 2dayer V one which actually scares me - value for money anyone?

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Is it the line-up?? The lack of a Thursday?? The lack of announcements?? The lack of any regard for the punters?? The fact that a stage may or may not have been pulled?? The rampaging gangs of tent-robbing, piss-lobbing chavs that will make the weekend the aural equivilent of root canal work?? The planks who are happy to get shafted out of £160 and will defend the organisers as they squeeze the last drop of enjoyment out of what used to be a great weekend...

So, SO many issues...

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The potential removal of a whole stage, the headliners, the shocking amount of pop acts, the lack of announcements, the weak ass arena headliners, the scumbag Oasis fans that'll be fighting & throwing piss everywhere, the noob f**ks & V apologists on here who keep using the fact that 'they can have a weekend with their mates' as justification for such a shit line-up, the ever decreasing quality of facilities compared to every other festival I've been to & finally the spastics who are happy with the announcement of McFly/Lily Allen etc etc.

You can say it's all about personal taste or it's music snobbery but it's f**king not...it's actually scientifically provable that if you're a fan of the aforementioned acts you are in fact a f**king mong.

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line up isnt a major issue cos i've never been or seen oasis before.. pissed off mainly by the large number of chavy acts they've announced on this lame second batch of acts which has yet to include a single good act!

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The potential removal of a whole stage, the headliners, the shocking amount of pop acts, the lack of announcements, the weak ass arena headliners, the scumbag Oasis fans that'll be fighting & throwing piss everywhere, the noob f**ks & V apologists on here who keep using the fact that 'they can have a weekend with their mates' as justification for such a shit line-up, the ever decreasing quality of facilities compared to every other festival I've been to & finally the spastics who are happy with the announcement of McFly/Lily Allen etc etc.

You can say it's all about personal taste or it's music snobbery but it's f**king not...it's actually scientifically provable that if you're a fan of the aforementioned acts you are in fact a f**king mong.

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The potential removal of a whole stage, the headliners, the shocking amount of pop acts, the lack of announcements, the weak ass arena headliners, the scumbag Oasis fans that'll be fighting & throwing piss everywhere, the noob f**ks & V apologists on here who keep using the fact that 'they can have a weekend with their mates' as justification for such a shit line-up, the ever decreasing quality of facilities compared to every other festival I've been to & finally the spastics who are happy with the announcement of McFly/Lily Allen etc etc.

You can say it's all about personal taste or it's music snobbery but it's f**king not...it's actually scientifically provable that if you're a fan of the aforementioned acts you are in fact a f**king mong.

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Is it the line-up?? The lack of a Thursday?? The lack of announcements?? The lack of any regard for the punters?? The fact that a stage may or may not have been pulled?? The rampaging gangs of tent-robbing, piss-lobbing chavs that will make the weekend the aural equivilent of root canal work?? The planks who are happy to get shafted out of £160 and will defend the organisers as they squeeze the last drop of enjoyment out of what used to be a great weekend...

So, SO many issues...

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For somebody who generally seems to have good taste in music, I can't believe you're defending Lilly Allen...I know, 'different tastes' blah blah blah...but its Lilly Allen...Lilly feckin' Allen! Shes like the bastard offspring of Chas & Dave & Shampoo...but without the looks...why can't she just shut up?? I don't care about what you think about WAGs, Jordan, the conflict in the Middle East or the impact on the Peruvian fishing industry caused by North Koreas nuclear tests! Stop talking for the love of God woman! You've got ears for a reason! And I don't want your bloody face leaping out at me from every website and magazine I pick up like some jet propelled shite rocket...and Keith Allen's her dad. KEITH ALLEN! What exactly does he do apart from generate off-spring that take up space at festivals that could be filled by the likes of Flaming Lips, Teenage Fanclub, Public Enemy etc etc !??!

But don't get the wrong idea...I'm a really 'peace and love' guy...

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For somebody who generally seems to have good taste in music, I can't believe you're defending Lilly Allen...I know, 'different tastes' blah blah blah...but its Lilly Allen...Lilly feckin' Allen! Shes like the bastard offspring of Chas & Dave & Shampoo...but without the looks...why can't she just shut up?? I don't care about what you think about WAGs, Jordan, the conflict in the Middle East or the impact on the Peruvian fishing industry caused by North Koreas nuclear tests! Stop talking for the love of God woman! You've got ears for a reason! And I don't want your bloody face leaping out at me from every website and magazine I pick up like some jet propelled shite rocket...and Keith Allen's her dad. KEITH ALLEN! What exactly does he do apart from generate off-spring that take up space at festivals that could be filled by the likes of Flaming Lips, Teenage Fanclub, Public Enemy etc etc !??!

But don't get the wrong idea...I'm a really 'peace and love' guy...

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The lazy booking policy has always been there and seems mainly to be based on media coverage & CD sales. Hearing or seeing the name "Bob Angus" and the tosh he comes out with just makes my blood pressure rise.

The worst things about this year are:

1. The increasingly cynical disregard it shows towards the punters, especially those who coughed up early bird cash on the expectation they might throw together a half-decent lineup.

2. That V has become the zenith among those festivals that are more about entertainment than the music. What I mean is that, uppermost among all festivals, V now mainly attracts punters who are making a "lifestyle" choice. People are going to V simply because they want to "do a festival" during the summer. They go to V more to have a laugh, to get bladdered etc, etc. Quality music is way down the priority list. They are not music fans, at least my my definition. I can only moan, there is little I can do about it, because these people have as much right as I do to go to V. It's just that as from 2010, it's highly likely I'll decide I don't want to share a field with them anymore.

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