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What are the worst things about V this year?

Guest Flaminglippy

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The lazy booking policy has always been there and seems mainly to be based on media coverage & CD sales. Hearing or seeing the name "Bob Angus" and the tosh he comes out with just makes my blood pressure rise.

The worst things about this year are:

1. The increasingly cynical disregard it shows towards the punters, especially those who coughed up early bird cash on the expectation they might throw together a half-decent lineup.

2. That V has become the zenith among those festivals that are more about entertainment than the music. What I mean is that, uppermost among all festivals, V now mainly attracts punters who are making a "lifestyle" choice. People are going to V simply because they want to "do a festival" during the summer. They go to V more to have a laugh, to get bladdered etc, etc. Quality music is way down the priority list. They are not music fans, at least my my definition. I can only moan, there is little I can do about it, because these people have as much right as I do to go to V. It's just that as from 2010, it's highly likely I'll decide I don't want to share a field with them anymore.

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Is it the line-up?? The lack of a Thursday?? The lack of announcements?? The lack of any regard for the punters?? The fact that a stage may or may not have been pulled?? The rampaging gangs of tent-robbing, piss-lobbing chavs that will make the weekend the aural equivilent of root canal work?? The planks who are happy to get shafted out of £160 and will defend the organisers as they squeeze the last drop of enjoyment out of what used to be a great weekend...

So, SO many issues...

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I'm not sure if anyone else subscribes to the RSS feeds from this site but the amount of information you get from other festivals such as announcements of bands, what they are doing different this year, new stages, campsite entertainment info is just way more than you hear from V. If you visit any of the websites for other festivals such as Download, Leeds/Reading, Glasto, IOW and TITP - so much more information and they actually look like well run websites.

All V do is throw money at the lineup and then it's a big gig in a field, nothing else.

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I have to admit the potential loss of the Sessions tent would be the worst - yes I would rather insult Mike Tyson's mahood than listen to Lily Allen or McFly but I reckon I can avoid them longer than I could the mental boxer!

Lack of the Thursaday Early entry is a major pain and I reckon Friday is gonna be a nightmare start but it'll all come good.

Another pain in the hole is on these forums if you even seem as though you intend to have a good time or express even the remotest desire to listen to music over the weekend your a V apologist. Sell your ticket and go to one of the other festivals your moaning you prefer the line-up to!

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Bad Gig? shit atmosphere?? I beg to differ (And I have been to allot of gigs and festival) terrible line up, not much different to any of the other European festivals, Expensive, again you watch only 4 bands and you have made your money back, ridiculously commercial, name one that is not?, trying to bleed money out of ya, so whats new
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For me it has to be the lineup.

V much like other festivals bases it's audience on return customers - like most businesses.

I've been going for years now and most of the acts that are there this year are ones that have been there before - it's getting less and less attractive for me as someone has been before to keep going.

I can't see the lineup improving much - and compared to other lineups at other festivals - V looks poor again.

It will still be a good weekend - but it would have been good to see some new exciting acts there to break the mould of the good old Oasis, Killers & Snow Patrol that we are so used to seeing!

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Oh I love how people hate or defend their choice of festival attending.

V is shit, always has been always will be, hey but I still go every year, however I am seriously considering making this my last 1.

But I did say that last year & the year before & the year before & the year before etc etc etc etc etc.......

Worst things












Unable to take chairs & booze into the arena, that sucks as does being unable to take brollies in adverse weather.

Don't really give a shit about the lineup I will always find something to watch, last year some of the highlights for me where Souxie, Infadels & Paul Heaton... Look & you will find something good ;):P

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Bad Gig? shit atmosphere?? I beg to differ (And I have been to allot of gigs and festival) terrible line up, not much different to any of the other European festivals, Expensive, again you watch only 4 bands and you have made your money back, ridiculously commercial, name one that is not?, trying to bleed money out of ya, so whats new
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