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Camping Top Tips

Guest farewellandgoodnight

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What it says on the tin. What tips have people got to make life that little bit easier when living in field for five days?

I'll start off with one for those of you who enjoy a bit of a lie in after late night Trash City/Stone Circle antics.

To avoid baking alive in your tent in the midday sun take a couple of silver space blankets with you and gaffer tape or otherwise secure them to the outside of your tent.

Sounds daft but it works wonders and keeps the inside of your tent habitable during the day when it's hot. Also keeps the heat in at night so double win!

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Beer is all important so I'm gonna invest in some of these, for cooling a few cans (put a few in a cool bag with some water and salt to make them chill quicker) :


Beer can cooler tube

Saw a guy last year with one but he was unable to tell me where he got it (cos he was too pissed to talk)


Heavy duty 4 pint carrier

Loads better than the crappy cardboard ones that break halfway across a field


And before anyone says it, i'm not a bloody spammer! I just take my summer drinking very seriously and know many others do to! Nothing ruins a festival like a warm can or dropped pint.

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General festival tips.

* Stop people walking through your camp and save space for your mates by wrapping a load of police tape round your tents. Make sure you wrap it at a height of about 6 inches to 1ft for maximum trippage.

* Don't miss the band you've been waiting to see or waste time taking your empty cups to the bins, simply piss in the cups and then dispose of them by throwing them across the crowd.

* Finding your mates in the crowd is much easier if you take a giant f**k off flag and hold it just at the right height so it can be seen if you're looking directly at the stage. Taking a national flag will help to gain the respect of fellow festival go-ers.

* Sit up round the campfire with your mates till 7am getting absolutely trolleyed and shout "Edward" at the top of your voice every few seconds.

* Having trouble getting to the front of the crowd to get a better view of your favourite artist? Simply hold your elbows perpendicular to your body and push through the crowd as hard as you can.

* Stay dry while watching the bands, even when it's pissing down by taking large golfing umbrella into the crowd. Make sure you hold it at eye level and buy the poinest one in the shop. This will have the added benefit of helping to create your own little area to dance in.

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