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Benicassim - Narcotics ;)

Guest billyd

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I'm off to Benicassim, but my question is what's it like picking up weed there, also what about class A's?!

I knowwww we shouldn't talk about it, and I dont want to see various stash places posted all over, just wondering if I need to consider taking it, or whether it will be fairly covered.

Also, regarding class A's if they are available, is it all heavily cut shit that does nothing or is it fairly pure? and what sorta prices?


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weed is hard to find, but hash is absolutely everywhere in beni. class A's are around, and md and pills are not toooo hard to find.. the gypsies tend to sell everything and theyre pretty easy to find, they are some pretty shady characters though so make sure you dont flash cash around or anything.

k is also about, last year we got some very good k off the gypsies,stronger than anything ive ever had in the UK. k is more expensive than md/pills in spain. nothing struck me as very pure, but the quality was fine. make sure you ask to taste everything first though cos there were a few people about mugging people off, they wont mind about you tasting it if theyre selling good shit anyway. i seem to remember MD being around 40-60 euros a gram and k being around 70.

i wouldnt risk stashing anything, that would get absolutely f**ked if caught, & you will definitely be able to find everything in beni if you look hard enough.

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