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I blame the normaloids.

Joking aside though, that has to be one of the most thought provoking and disturbing posts I've ever seen on here. It really makes me wonder if I want to go back. :(

Edited by Buddhafish
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How utterly depressing ! ;)

It seems thousands of people can't be bothered to clean up their mess after enjoying the hospitality of Worthy Farm.

How selfish and ignorant some people are ! :(

So much for 'Love the Farm' :P

EDIT: Quote from the person who posted on this video on youtube

"A festival created by people who care, for people who mostly don't.

Blame capitalism - camping gear is so cheap to buy that it has become disposable. Take note Tesco, Halfords, Asda et al - you are driving this!

Hard-working men and women are (as you read this) working 12 hours plus, seven days a week, often hundreds of miles from their families, for months on end, putting together these tents/chairs/gazebos/airbeds for a wage that barely sustains them - simply so that you can throw them away because it's too much to ask for you to remove the things you took three or four trips to bring onto the festival site away with you.

There is no way to recycle most of these items - they will go into landfil - and you don't care!

Think-on people, you know who you are!"

Edited by DaveMac
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Not just shocking, but disgusting and heartbreaking, if I were the Eavis'es I wouldn't want to put on another festival, there are a significant minority who really just don't give a stuff about anything the festival stands for, lazy selfish bastards who clearly have too much money and can afford to buy 'disposable' camping gear. How much effort does it take to put your rubbish in a bin bag? and if you hate festival toilets so much you have to shit in a bucket in your tent, either empty it out at the end of the festival or better yet, DON'T COME AT ALL. There must be some on this forum who left some of that trash, I just hope you can learn from this and be a bit more considerate. BTW our camp was left with 2 bin bags (one with tins for recycling and the other with general rubbish) I made sure there was nothing else left, even a tent peg, it took virtually no effort to leave it clean, there is absolutley NO excuse.

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It is quite disgusting really. I'm no angel, but that's incredible. The worst I did was leave my rubbish in bin bags next to the full bins and not sort out the recycling. Everything else came back with me. I can't believe so many people just leave their whole camps there, tents, chairs, sleeping bags, gazebos, what the hell are they thinking (or not thinking)

I'd like to say bloody well done to the litter pickers and clean up crews as they've done a pretty amazing job in less than 2 weeks:


I hope some of the people cleaning up found the odd pleasant surprise amongst the vile detritus, maybe the odd crisp £20 note or bag of weed. Well done again to them!!!

Edited by tvrobbie
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disgusting. Not wanting to preach or appear high and mighty, but we cleared up our mess, and split the recycling and rubbish... we were even given bags to do so when we came onto the site.

I'm astonished at the number of tents that are left! I've harped on about this on other threads, but really. What a waste. The only thing I can attribute this to, is lazy selfish people who really couldn't care less. Thoroughly disrespectful, and I've no idea what they can do to drum it into people to clear up after themselves... for me its second nature, but I guess we ain't all the same.

Amazingly, the bins seem empty when all this debris and detritus lies around.

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Me and my mate left on Monday lunchtime, and we were gobsmacked by the number of tents, sleeping bags, gazebo's, chairs, food, beer, etc. was left behind. It wasn't just 2/3 man tents either, it was 6 man 8 man big jobbies, with everything left inside. Most of it you could see had been bought for this weekend.

If we hadn't been so tired after the weekends 'activities' (we were also on Motorbikes), we would've dismantled a couple of the good tents and taken them home with us. We did discuss leaving my old 3 man (dismantled of course) and swapping it for a newer one, but I took my old trusty one away with me in the end.

A damning and sad indictment of our throwaway society......

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That is sickening to watch, I hope anyone who left stuff is ashamed of themselves. It makes a complete mockery of any environmental messages that the festival is trying to get across and is a sad reflection of the society we live. Something really does need to be done about this :(

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You have to expect this from thousands of people in one place. It is disgusting, but at the end of the day the organisers have to have garbage removal in place (and they do). When you look at the fact that people tend leave crap behind knowing that others are there to clean up after them – this will happen – Yes/No?

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It is quite disgusting really. I'm no angel, but that's incredible. The worst I did was leave my rubbish in bin bags next to the full bins and not sort out the recycling. Everything else came back with me. I can't believe so many people just leave their whole camps there, tents, chairs, sleeping bags, gazebos, what the hell are they thinking (or not thinking)

I's like to say bloody well done to the litter pickers and clean up crews as they've done a pretty amazing job in less than 2 weeks:


I hope some of the people cleaning up found the odd pleasant surprise amongst the vile detritus, maybe the odd crisp £20 note or bag of weed. Well done again to them!!!

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You have to expect this from thousands of people in one place. It is disgusting, but at the end of the day the organisers have to have garbage removal in place (and they do). When you look at the fact that people tend leave crap behind knowing that others are there to clean up after them – this will happen – Yes/No?
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Shit the bed! Aint that depressing. The people camped behind us wen.t to their cars every day to bring in more stuff and left behind everything they had not consumed, all their rubbish, tents, gazebo the lot. Maybe it's time to have a pass out rule or something. I'd rather not have anymore rules than can be helped but obviously that is going to consume a fair amount of the cash pot for charities and isn't particularly helping the festivals GREEN credentials.

Buddhafish make sure you go again and take your stuff with you (obviously not saying you don't). The more people who go and know how to conduct themselves on Monday morning the better.

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That is absolutely disgusting what sort of people do that are they lazy or are they just thinking i paid to get in so what i leave Glastonbury team can clear it up it makes me wonder.

This is a great vid and i am so glad it was filmed it will open some peoples eyes i wonder what was left up in the camper van fields? i ask because we where there and took all our rubbish to the bins but what i did notice and this was every morning whilst going on to the festival gates a long wooden table with tons and tons of beer cans left and dropped on the floor the rubbish bins where a few yards back .

This Vid looks like there have been some major earth disaster like a earthquake and not glastonbury Festival ,,,absolutely disgusting and you people who did leave stuff there should be ashamed of yourselves lazy damn right ,,,,,,,,,,,, :P:(;)

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That has really upset me.

My faith in humanity has just nosedived.

If people act like that with the knowledge of their peers what are they like the rest of the year?

We dropped no rubbish all festival. We had one carrier bags worth of rubbish at the end which we left in a pile of our neighbours rubbish, that they had also packed considerately.

How on earth could you sleep near a tent with that bucket of shit in it stewing in the heat we had?

I want to drown the cnuts who owned that bucket in it.



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