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anyone else dissapointed by the killers?

Guest EmmaComber

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Definitely not a disappointment to me - they were fantastic. I love the Killers and was sooo looking forward to seeing them, I was so happy when they done Jenny and Shadowplay, superb.

We had a really good crowd around us too, I had lost my hubby (who usually hoists me onto his shoulders!) so my friend asked some chap who was happy enough for me to go on his shoulders during Smile Like you Mean it - (thank you by the way!)

We were a little further back than I would have liked to have been, but never mind, the crowd was great, the atmosphere was great and the Killers were great! Definitely getting tickets for their next tour.

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I think The Killers are one of the best acts around but they never gonna sound that great playing outdoors compared to an arena gig. Same goes for any band really. However i still enjoyed their act especially after i missed them in greece when the whole day of the fest was cancelled due to weather.

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I've seen them a couple of times before and thought they were brilliant, Hot Fuss and Sam's Town are great albums however Brandon Flowers doesn't have a great rapport with the crowd, we couldn't make out what he was saying and to be honest we wandered off after 30 mins.

We saw PeteR Doherty, instead. He was amazing (and BF who's never rated him reckoned he was a highlight of the weekend). Great performance, lovely warm and friendly guy and the riot that broke out when his sound was pulled was a sight to behold.

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Just wasn't feeling an energetic vibe from the crowd not enough people where getting into it, i was getting dogy stares from people who didn't like our groups dancing/involment fun:). I guess this is due to most of the crowd being once a year music fans who don't know how to act at gigs/have fun, i mean fair play if it was at the back but we were 10 rows back and people where barely able to give a smile.

The set problay didn't help with it being too proffessional and commercially done instead of two years ago when the Killers where still finding themselves and enjoying experimenting, but now with the piss poor new album they have found themselevs as being Pet Shop Boys Wannabe's, they should have just stuck with carrying on the good work from Sam's Town .

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mixed reviews then! Looks like hylands really did get the raw end of the deal this year! I know the sound wasn't the killers fault but they also played a lot of my least fave songs. I guess thats just my taste though. I don't think Brandon has a very good raport with the crowd, no real charisma. I really noticed that when i saw snow patrol the next night, Gary Lightbody was amazing! Snow patrol saved the weekend for me! Before this weekend I would have easily picked killers over snow patrol but now i'm not so sure!
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