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Food price caps not observed

Guest mblackhouse

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yes, I know this.

I posted exactly this last year, only to have rocktwat (as well as you, if I'm remembering rightly) insist that what I posted was wrong (and a lot more besides :D).. It's pleasing that you now agree. :D

The problem with such a list existing is that it gives the impression that it covers all food, and so misleads the festival customers into thinking that food overall is at a lower price than it is in reality. It's a somewhat standard marketing con. :D

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I don't dispute that prices were checked, I simply dispute that it worked. I too worked the festival, and while I had an effect there was still tonnes of rubbish around at the end.

The difference is that there are 80,000 people who could have dropped bits of litter, and I can't possibly talk to all of them, or take any direct action if they're dropping litter when I'm not looking. On the other hand, it's very easy to take action against a specific stall breaking the cap. If only for short periods at a time, several stalls were flouting the price rules. The fact that it happens suggests to me that it was worth their while risking it. That's no snub on yourself, I just think FR should make the penalties a bit more draconian next year.

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I think you're confusing me with someone else, I only posted twice in the related thread last year, both of which before you had made a reply and none of them referencing to you.

Regardless, theres no real arguement here despite your obvious best attempts to incite one. You phrased yourself in such a way that it was misleading; resulting in alot of confusion from several parties. As Ive said all long, you are correct that there is no set price list for specality items, however you are incorrect that there are no such thing as 'standard items', as there clearly are and it is these which are covered by the set price list.

Anyway, I'm quite certain your friend you met up with in a bar who told you all about the price list is a far more reliable source then myself who is actually employed by Festival Republic to go around checking the vendor prices myself and ensuring all standard items follow the price list.

You're very right with that certainty, if your sarcasm were removed from your words. :D

I've not attempted to incite anything. I've simply pointed out that the list is not what many people believe it to be.

I guess that what I posted in this thread was tempered by the argument that kicked off last year, where I was saying exactly what you're saying now, but had countless poorly informed individuals (I apologise for thinking it included you) telling me it was an absolute that covered everything.

But anyway, can you or anyone else define exactly what (say) a standard burger is? There is no standard roll; there is no standard beef quality; and so there can be no standard burger. Sure, an idea of what it is standard can be formed, but just about any trader is able to make an argument (that may or may not be accepted by FR) that their offering exceeds that standard idea. And so the value of the list starts to break down.

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What motivation have the vendors got to keep prices low when the organisers use the festival as an opportunity to have people over.

Added to that is the fact that a fixed price list will undoubtedly drive down food quality over time - after all, what motivation is there for any trader to be supplying a better product than other traders if they're not allowed to re-coup the extra expense of better quality via a higher price?

I'm not talking about the 'gormet' type traders here, I'm talking about those whose products fall within the 'standard' category in the eyes of some (such as those doing the price checking).

For example, I'm aware that at Reading this year there was a trader doing breakfasts at £7, who was hassled by the price-checkers to reduce it to the 'standard' price of a fiver - despite that trader supplying a breakfast nearly twice as good as those doing those more standard breakfasts. Luckily, sense prevailed (tho not by the price checkers) and the trader was authorised to revert to the higher price.

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For example, I'm aware that at Reading this year there was a trader doing breakfasts at £7, who was hassled by the price-checkers to reduce it to the 'standard' price of a fiver - despite that trader supplying a breakfast nearly twice as good as those doing those more standard breakfasts. Luckily, sense prevailed (tho not by the price checkers) and the trader was authorised to revert to the higher price.
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For example, I'm aware that at Reading this year there was a trader doing breakfasts at £7, who was hassled by the price-checkers to reduce it to the 'standard' price of a fiver - despite that trader supplying a breakfast nearly twice as good as those doing those more standard breakfasts. Luckily, sense prevailed (tho not by the price checkers) and the trader was authorised to revert to the higher price.
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So you admit it was shit - kaboom motherf**ker! You clearly don't know either - kaboom motherf**ker! Now it's time to make something up about your best mate ever knowing something (who actually makes stuff up) - kaboom motherf**ker!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! You're funny.

It's only vaguely shit because it's in response to your know-nothing posts. Do grow up, eh? :(

If you care to ask the people at FR who run the markets if what I said happened happened then you'll get to hear that it's true.

Now, do you have anything of sense to say, or is know-nothing bullshit the limit of your contributions here? :D

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A price checker's job is to report anyone who goes over the cap that's not on their list, ask them to stick to the set prices until told otherwise, and let their boss decide whether they're allowed to go over it. Clearly a system that doesn't allow a tad of common sense needs looking at, but the person who made that call has done what they've been told to.

If the price checkers aren't understanding the list properly (and the authorised reversal of price says they're not, for whatever reasons), then there's likely to be a greater amount of misunderstanding by ticket holders.

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Why are so many people eating from the rip off stalls? A decent nandos is only 15minutes away.

The problem with using that method is that, if everyone did it, then you'd end up shelling out what you saved from not using the stalls in a higher ticket price - after all, the money made by the festival from the stall holders is less money that needs to be made via the ticket price.

So while you think you're saving yourself money (and on a individual basis you might be), overall for all ticket holders there's no saving.

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The problem with using that method is that, if everyone did it, then you'd end up shelling out what you saved from not using the stalls in a higher ticket price - after all, the money made by the festival from the stall holders is less money that needs to be made via the ticket price.

So while you think you're saving yourself money (and on a individual basis you might be), overall for all ticket holders there's no saving.

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