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Your favourite Glasto images

Madabout G

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  On 6/13/2010 at 7:35 AM, Monkey Allen said:

I'm a moron. I was drunk and in a crap mood and (for some bizarre reason) took it out on George.

I've sent a message of apology to him and hope he accepts it.

Sorry to everyone else also.

Please keep posting your brilliant images mate and ignore stupid drunken dickheads like me.


I'm sure that I'm not the only one to say 'good on you' for making a public apology like this & I'm also delighted that George is back on board. This has been just about the most positive thread on here and it would have been a huge shame for it to have gone sour with such a short period of time to go before it all kicks off.

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  On 6/13/2010 at 8:56 AM, George Saguna said:

I appreciate you message and I find honer in the apologies, your apologies are more then excepted Allen.

I love the festival and photography, carrying a 17kilo bag full of camera equipment and a five year old on your shoulder throughout the six days of the festival takes a bit of determination (traveling all the way from Malta to attend is also part of it). Please believe me when I say that I was not looking for self promotion in any way. I was merely trying to convey the festivals character, spirit and emotions to the people that know it, to those that have never been there and to those that cant wait to be back in the fields.

If there is any thing I would not want to do is to upset any one with my work.






These are some of my favorite pieces. They are in black and white because its my preferred medium.

Thank you all for your kind comments and now I know that it was worth carrying that 17kilo bag on my back.

(Mortified).... How wrong can someone be.

Stunning pics as always George (and not just a grovelling statement).

If I see you (and I know what you look like!) in a couple of weeks, i'll stop you, say hello and buy you the pint of your choice.

If it makes you feel any better, i'm overweight. :lol:

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Blimey George stunning work.

And 17 kilo of equipment and i was umming and aahing about whether or not to bring my fixed lense hybrid camera instead of the pocket variety ... far fewer excuses now, especially as i'm going alone this year :unsure: , so more time to see things

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These are some photos of the family. I am going to miss them a lot this year as I will only be up with friends. Kind of difficult not picturing them with me. I know how much both of them love the place.


The is the little munchken after she got her boots and finally found here much much desired mud pool


"mama what is there righten on the sign"


Early days in photography career


and to prove it thats the photo she took (she knows all about the rule of thirds, ow my god)


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  On 6/12/2010 at 8:18 PM, George Saguna said:

For your info all these photos were taken in Glasto last year so I don't know what you mean to say that they don't classify under the title of "Your favourite Glasto images"

As far as I can see you havent even posted one photo yourself. You are free to do so, but as you are putting it I should stop doing so myself.

Sorry for offending you or for making you think that I am self promoting. I will make you a big favor and I will stop posting any more images on this thread so that you can be happy. Sorry for offending your morals. Those were the last photos you saw from me. I will leave it to you to post your own photos.

George, f**k that guy, your photo's are amazing art. Please keep posting them.

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  On 6/14/2010 at 10:58 AM, _-J-_ said:

Have not posted on here in a while, thought I would post these pictures up from last year. Hopefully get some better ones this year too.

Hey really enjoyed the shots you've posted, great to see some different angles and really like the reflection in the shades.

Nice work


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