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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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Alot of adverts annoy me,

Any Bingo advert,

Anything with little kids talking about going for a shit,

Cash for gold adverts,

Pre Christmas supermarket adverts,

Post Christmas Furniture, Kitchen, Beds, Bathroom adverts.

There's alot more but thats all I can think of for now.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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The Pixies reunion - used to be a massive fan but it's now getting stupidly clear how much it was instigated for milking every penny out of the legacy as humanly possible.

Either make a new album or do the dignified thing.

People who put their bags on a seat on the train so you can't get a seat. Some old woman once looked me up and down then refused to move them so I could get a seat. Next stop the seat behind her became vacant, and had great fun in having a lovely sweary phone conversation in the seat right behind her whilst she was trying to read her Daily Express, playing my iPod etc.

Normally I'd say that people having phone conversations on the train are annoying, but it was a lot of fun :P

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why the hell do we even need a government? all they do is spend our money, force fear into our hearts and minds to control us, confuse us, them, buy weapons, give weapons then complain when they use them against us. Politics?! Bolitics.

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Scots first Geordie second then.

I probably have a distinctly herbal aroma about me right now, damn sight better than chemical smog. :P

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Life in its natural state is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short".
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