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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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Interpatella bursitis


Whale hunting



Cruelty to animals






Religious intolerance

Lack of morals in some youngsters

Lack of morals in some parents

Climate change


Gordon Brown (waits for Pogo)

Oh bloody hell the list goes on and on....... :P

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No particular order


Interpatella bursitis


Whale hunting



Cruelty to animals






Religious intolerance

Lack of morals in some youngsters

Lack of morals in some parents

Climate change


Gordon Brown (waits for Pogo)

Oh bloody hell the list goes on and on....... :P

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If it ticks the box then it ticks the box.

I would not judge a person who had strong views against a religion that actively seeks to persecute people based on homosexuality and colour or gender as long as the point of their argument is not just because it is X religion but because of the discrimination held within that religion. I beleive that to hate a religion because it is X and tar everybody associated with it with the same brush is just as bad the the points they are arguing against.

To be intolerant of a region based wholly on one view held over another is wrong, to have a view and campaign against specific values held within a religion is not religious intolerance in my book. Its questioning the values of the beliefs that make up the religion whilst not questioning the right of the follower to believe.

Please excuse my spelling as my eyes are really shit today and I cant focus to well.....

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Oh I'm ok, nobody has annoyed me and I haven't annoyed myself. It's just generally, when I think of what's annoyed me in the past, it's almost always been myself or someone else :P

I think I need to dig my car out too really. The snow is above the top of the wheels though and I don't have a shovel. It's supposed to be going for an MOT tmorrow but I just can't be bothered to try to get it out. I think at the very least I should start it and have it ticking over for a bit though?

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Interesting where you draw the line here regarding intolerance of followers of a particular ethos/religion. I know that most people on here have strong opinions regarding the BNP because of their discrimination against whoever their scapegoat is today, but if I was to say I don't like X religion because of it's discrimination against homosexuals/women/whoever my position would likely be questioned, and I'd also potentially be breaking the law.

Is it the indoctrination at an early age that is the difference here, or the fact that we worry more about offending religious views?

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Hi Dr Billy :P

Talking about religion not the BNP here

My view is that just because you happen to be a member of a faith group that has extreme views does not necessarily mean you agree with everything that faith group preaches. However the moment to start preaching or agree with the less savoury issues that I abhor, then you are reinforcing the practices and rubber-stamping your prejudice. I would then take them to task on their views.

I could never say to somebody "don't not be a member of a religion because its crap", I would however say I don't agree with that religion because of X Y Z. If they then reinforce those views I would then acknowledge my view that it is morally wrong and set out my objections.

As far as the BNP

The BNP is not a religion it is a social view that in my view, is seriously flawed in every level and one that members know full well when they join or support. They are aware of it's prejudices in the majority of its views and as such they are informed and culpable.

I don't want to debate this to much as I am having really issues seeing tonight and its one I would normally do face to face as I don't get my point across to well tippy tapping at a keyboard miles from the person I wish to debate with. :P

However I will say that I find the which hunts of today by faith groups against each other, sanctioned by the higher authorities within those organisations or not, horrible. Everybody should be entitled to believe in their own god regardless, how that philosophy is then pushed out to the masses by the organisation is the point at which I would then debate as whether or not is is acceptable on a human level to enforce views that dont sit with mine or the majority of my peers.

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It happened on a train I was on a few years ago, coming home from London the train had to stop at a station as someone had fell onto the line and had being killed by a train. It was a nice summers day so most people just got off the train and waited politely after hearing the news. One guy was complaing to some poor woman that he'd be late for a very important business meeting the more she explained about the death the more aggressive he got with a "I dont care" attitude. In the end I walked up and told him to "give it a rest and have a bit of respect for the person who'd died" and just wait like everyone else.

Selfish prick !!!

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No particular order


Interpatella bursitis


Whale hunting



Cruelty to animals






Religious intolerance

Lack of morals in some youngsters

Lack of morals in some parents

Climate change


Gordon Brown (waits for Pogo)

Oh bloody hell the list goes on and on....... :P

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People who use the phrase "dumbing down".

They wouldn't be using the phrase "dumbing down" if they hadn't heart it in the media first, and they're probably using it because of the alliteration. You seriously can't complain about how you perceive the intellectual qualities of the media if you're going to use their own silly little language. You're part of the problem.

Also people who use the phrase "credit crunch". It's not a "credit crunch". It's a recession. A big f**k off recession.

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