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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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I've bought a caravan principally to go to music festivals over the summer - one of which this year will be the Isle of Wight - which doesn't allow caravans.

Can't even take our trusty old the trailer tent so will have to dig out, check out and possibly repair my festival tent that hasn't been used for the last five years. Will probably discover that over that period it's been nibbled at by mice.

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Against my will (kind of as it was my brothers stag do) I was forced to go paint balling. I couldn't move a f*cking inch without getting hit. It occurred to me that I'd have stood no chance if those were real bullets. Too scary.

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I have no problem with others paint balling and can see the fascination of achieving accuracy of a shot etc. However (and here comes the contradiction!) there's something about that simulated violence which I find quite off putting / disturbing. I guess I'd just rather do something else than that as an event.

No need to tell me about the bruising! lol

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Hearring this: "As a parent if my children joined the army I would be so proud"

It made my blood boil in rage more than anything in a long time. Parents should have their kids taken off them for saying shit like that.

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Its something I don't get about America. Service men and woman are gods in the States. You can't say a single bad thing about them or you're outcast for ever. They literally hold them in the highest possible esteem anyone could have in society.

My american friends, who I consider to be quite normal people, will go up to one in the street if they saw one and shake them by the hand and say thank you. At sports matches they'll announce the presence of one over the tannoy and everyone will get on their feet and whoop and cheer. Its so fucking odd. I just stand there looking totally bemused.

They think we're ungrateful and selfish for not having the same level respect for our troops. I just reply ... I didn't ask them to do it. If they want to risk their life to fighting a war thousands of miles away from their family - then more fool them. I get very dirty looks.

I think it stems from the fact that America views itself as God's chosen country and God's chosen people. Therefore the soldiers are actually soldiers of God.

Really Dumb

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Unfortunately both my long and short term memory have been compromised somewhat. I really find it difficult to put dates and events together now. A doctor friend of mine says it's down to my decades of excess. Don't know if it's that or whether I was always going to experience such rapid decline.

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Thanks for the heads up Rufus. I've just looked that up and it does indeed fit the bill in many respects. The doctor prescribed me thiamine (vitamin B1) a long time ago but then I just stopped taking it and never asked for anymore. May well buy some over the net and start taking it again. Mind you it's too late now in many aspects but could certainly help stop the decline.

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Good. I was going to delete the post and pm you. When I trained to be a psychiatric nurse way back in the 80's on my community placement I had a number of patients with Korsakoff's. Over the years I have seen some shit but those blokes stick in my mind.

I think as well sometimes it is best to keep some topics in an open forum as it could help someone without realising.

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