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Guest swede

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What the hell is wrong with the wiring in most BMW drivers' heads? Almost every BMW driver I encounter on the road is either an incompetant tool or an arrogant prick.

Even in the snow, BMW drivers seemed to stand heads and tails above the rest. Everyone I speak to has agreed and noticed the same phenomenon. In the snow on Tuesday, it was consistently BMW (and to a lesser extent, Audi) drivers who seemed to not grasp that the rules of the road do in fact change with the weather.

The amount of Beemers I saw skidding around because of impatient pedal-stomping was unbelievable - constantly trying to overtake and cut people up even though their car had less grip. Whilst it was massively vindicating seeing these arseholes struggling so much more in the snow in their powerred up £40,000 tin cans that they bought purely to 1-Up everyone else, it still annoyed me that some people were totally incapable of showing courtesy and respect even in extreme conditions which actually demanded it more than ever.

Over the last week in the snow and ice, I have observed BMW drivers doing most of the tailgating, driving in hard shoulders, braking late, overtaking on icy patches, even in the snow and blinding fog they still don't seem to have indicators and they still do that annoying thing where they speed as fast as possible up behind someone before slamming their brakes on (still never understood that).

If they weren't being aggressive, disrespectful and cocky, they were simply incompentant. On tuesday in my failled attempt to get to work, I saw a cheeky Beemer pull out onto a roundabout, cutting up about five cars, head into a snowdrift and then slowly shift sideways like a crab because they couldn't drive the thing. Even in total gridlock and deep snow they had the compulsion to climb over people. Also, a mate of mine almost got knocked over because some ballbreaker blonde type (he described her as the lady from Dragons Den) in her Beemer lurched forward onto the pavement after having her foot down in first gear, engine revving wildly, in the snow, before it bit down on a grippy area and lurched towards him.

They've got all the bases coverred. They're f*cking dicks. I may get annoyed by old drivers and hesitant ditherers, but they're not bad people, they may be lethal on the roads sometimes but in my heart I forgive them - Beemer drivers are just irredeemable w*nkers. They have a horrible "f*ck everyone else" attitude, and that must be why that brand of car and that type of person are often seen together.

I'm not a fan of generalisations, but there comes a point when you realise that some of them are about because they are actually true. To assume all generalisations are wrong is in itself a generalisation, I guess. I will go on record and say that the generalisation that most BMW drivers are total cock-ends is completely true based on the evidence. I was always slightly open about the generalisation up until last week, where I went through a transition akin to when an agnostic becomes a determined aethiest. :P

I know some here will disagree, which is why I posted this - anyone else agree with this?

Edited by Purple Monkey
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What the hell is wrong with the wiring in most BMW drivers' heads? Almost every BMW drive........nsition akin to when an agnostic becomes a determined aethiest. :P

I know some here will disagree, which is why I posted this - anyone else agree with this?

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What the hell is wrong with the wiring in most BMW drivers' heads? Almost every BMW driver I encounter on the road is either an incompetant tool or an arrogant prick.

Even in the snow, BMW drivers seemed to stand heads and tails above the rest. Everyone I speak to has agreed and noticed the same phenomenon. In the snow on Tuesday, it was consistently BMW (and to a lesser extent, Audi) drivers who seemed to not grasp that the rules of the road do in fact change with the weather.

The amount of Beemers I saw skidding around because of impatient pedal-stomping was unbelievable - constantly trying to overtake and cut people up even though their car had less grip. Whilst it was massively vindicating seeing these arseholes struggling so much more in the snow in their powerred up £40,000 tin cans that they bought purely to 1-Up everyone else, it still annoyed me that some people were totally incapable of showing courtesy and respect even in extreme conditions which actually demanded it more than ever.

Over the last week in the snow and ice, I have observed BMW drivers doing most of the tailgating, driving in hard shoulders, braking late, overtaking on icy patches, even in the snow and blinding fog they still don't seem to have indicators and they still do that annoying thing where they speed as fast as possible up behind someone before slamming their brakes on (still never understood that).

If they weren't being aggressive, disrespectful and cocky, they were simply incompentant. On tuesday in my failled attempt to get to work, I saw a cheeky Beemer pull out onto a roundabout, cutting up about five cars, head into a snowdrift and then slowly shift sideways like a crab because they couldn't drive the thing. Even in total gridlock and deep snow they had the compulsion to climb over people. Also, a mate of mine almost got knocked over because some ballbreaker blonde type (he described her as the lady from Dragons Den) in her Beemer lurched forward onto the pavement after having her foot down in first gear, engine revving wildly, in the snow, before it bit down on a grippy area and lurched towards him.

They've got all the bases coverred. They're f*cking dicks. I may get annoyed by old drivers and hesitant ditherers, but they're not bad people, they may be lethal on the roads sometimes but in my heart I forgive them - Beemer drivers are just irredeemable w*nkers. They have a horrible "f*ck everyone else" attitude, and that must be why that brand of car and that type of person are often seen together.

I'm not a fan of generalisations, but there comes a point when you realise that some of them are about because they are actually true. To assume all generalisations are wrong is in itself a generalisation, I guess. I will go on record and say that the generalisation that most BMW drivers are total cock-ends is completely true based on the evidence. I was always slightly open about the generalisation up until last week, where I went through a transition akin to when an agnostic becomes a determined aethiest. :P

I know some here will disagree, which is why I posted this - anyone else agree with this?

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What the hell is wrong with the wiring in most BMW drivers' heads? Almost every BMW driver I encounter on the road is either an incompetant tool or an arrogant prick.

Even in the snow, BMW drivers seemed to stand heads and tails above the rest. Everyone I speak to has agreed and noticed the same phenomenon. In the snow on Tuesday, it was consistently BMW (and to a lesser extent, Audi) drivers who seemed to not grasp that the rules of the road do in fact change with the weather.

The amount of Beemers I saw skidding around because of impatient pedal-stomping was unbelievable - constantly trying to overtake and cut people up even though their car had less grip. Whilst it was massively vindicating seeing these arseholes struggling so much more in the snow in their powerred up £40,000 tin cans that they bought purely to 1-Up everyone else, it still annoyed me that some people were totally incapable of showing courtesy and respect even in extreme conditions which actually demanded it more than ever.

Over the last week in the snow and ice, I have observed BMW drivers doing most of the tailgating, driving in hard shoulders, braking late, overtaking on icy patches, even in the snow and blinding fog they still don't seem to have indicators and they still do that annoying thing where they speed as fast as possible up behind someone before slamming their brakes on (still never understood that).

If they weren't being aggressive, disrespectful and cocky, they were simply incompentant. On tuesday in my failled attempt to get to work, I saw a cheeky Beemer pull out onto a roundabout, cutting up about five cars, head into a snowdrift and then slowly shift sideways like a crab because they couldn't drive the thing. Even in total gridlock and deep snow they had the compulsion to climb over people. Also, a mate of mine almost got knocked over because some ballbreaker blonde type (he described her as the lady from Dragons Den) in her Beemer lurched forward onto the pavement after having her foot down in first gear, engine revving wildly, in the snow, before it bit down on a grippy area and lurched towards him.

They've got all the bases coverred. They're f*cking dicks. I may get annoyed by old drivers and hesitant ditherers, but they're not bad people, they may be lethal on the roads sometimes but in my heart I forgive them - Beemer drivers are just irredeemable w*nkers. They have a horrible "f*ck everyone else" attitude, and that must be why that brand of car and that type of person are often seen together.

I'm not a fan of generalisations, but there comes a point when you realise that some of them are about because they are actually true. To assume all generalisations are wrong is in itself a generalisation, I guess. I will go on record and say that the generalisation that most BMW drivers are total cock-ends is completely true based on the evidence. I was always slightly open about the generalisation up until last week, where I went through a transition akin to when an agnostic becomes a determined aethiest. :P

I know some here will disagree, which is why I posted this - anyone else agree with this?

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not really looked through this thread properly but I'm sure it's been mentioned already - that 'Go Compare' twirly moustached singer and his adverts.

Brown Bread

People who still think the Imperial measurement system makes some kind of sense.

90% of the population of the world (probably)

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I like him, he makes me smile. :P

Couldn't care less about the adverts themselves though.

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I thought I would post it on here rather then the other thread so that that thread doesn't go off topic:

Some people are extremely snobby towards me because I take "Media at Crawley College" and everyone says that I won't do as well as them but to tell you the truth I will, I'm doing a thing called National Diploma which is equal to 3 A Level grades, yes the work is easier than a normal A-Level course but in all honestly I wouldn't be able to manage to keep up with that amount of cousework, it's nothing to do with the fact that I'm a lazy bum it's the fact that I've got difficulties which mean that I may not be as focused as others and I've had this since I was born. I really am sick to death of all the stuck up arses that think they will do better than me because I they go to "The Posh College". Our media department is one of the best in the country we have proper jeornalists that come in and do their work because our software is the best you can get.

I'm really happy with the choice I made and I'm glad that I didn't go to a College just because my friends are going, this is a course that I've really wanted to do and I'm so glad I have made the right decision.

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Is that the same one where they ask the rest of someones family and they work out how much they could save for various types of insurance?

If so, the mum says "well Robyn is definately car insurance" - and Robyn is a complete fitty.

I thought it was a point worth making...

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I thought I would post it on here rather then the other thread so that that thread doesn't go off topic:

Some people are extremely snobby towards me because I take "Media at Crawley College" and everyone says that I won't do as well as them but to tell you the truth I will, I'm doing a thing called National Diploma which is equal to 3 A Level grades, yes the work is easier than a normal A-Level course but in all honestly I wouldn't be able to manage to keep up with that amount of cousework, it's nothing to do with the fact that I'm a lazy bum it's the fact that I've got difficulties which mean that I may not be as focused as others and I've had this since I was born. I really am sick to death of all the stuck up arses that think they will do better than me because I they go to "The Posh College". Our media department is one of the best in the country we have proper jeornalists that come in and do their work because our software is the best you can get.

I'm really happy with the choice I made and I'm glad that I didn't go to a College just because my friends are going, this is a course that I've really wanted to do and I'm so glad I have made the right decision.

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I know a guy who is an artist, his names Conzo if you want to check him out, and he got rejected from the Glasgow School of Art. He's making shit loads now, arranging Scottish teams for world wide graff jams, getting paid by Reebok to go to Barcelona for design stuff, getting his work in galleries and having exhibitons just on himself, in the next 5 months he'll be in Sweden, Poland and Bristol, he's even designed artwork and logos for a new resteruant in Glasgow.

He went to do a course in a college without the fame attatched to the school of art and is doing very very well for ghimself. Both in doing something he loves and financially.

It's not realy where you go but what you do with the stuff you learned.

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