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Things that annoy you ?

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The 5 (yes 5) horsemen of the apocalypse who are currently in charge at my place.

Weve gone from a really sweet working environment to losing staff on a weekly basis who just want out, people taking early retirement and everyone who is left is just pissed off and angry :P

I remember it being a complete pain looking for work when unemployed due to the stress of having no cash but at least you have the time. Looking for work whilst working 60 hours a week is meh. Theres no time for beer anymore! I need a beer!!!

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Lazy people (mentally/physically) make me want to scream most of the time, but when their laziness means you have to pick up the slack is when I seriously want to set fire to their face. They're usually pig ignorant, with no manners, and are often very, very greedy. Usually from a spoilled background which is why they're so disrespectful to others. Expectant, dismissive and useless. They're critical of others' efforts but contribute f*ck all themselves and expect those around them to carry their fat backside. They take and give nothing back.

Seriously, f*ck these people.


Edited by Purple Monkey
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Raymond piggin Blank... he gets right on me tits he does.

How can yer talk like that when you`ve been in this country for 65yrs eh!!

AND.... the worst thing is when after speaking in his pi-jon engleesh.. he adds on a bit of french as in

"And we now turn ze deesh out onto zee plate... VOILA!"

"And zer is ze finished arti-cal, BON!"

"Zis is so zimple to make at home MON DEIU!"

"Well, in my opinion Blank--yer should piss off back to France HADDAWAY N SHITE"

thats what annoys me (tonight)

den d`accord?

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Raymond piggin Blank... he gets right on me tits he does.

How can yer talk like that when you`ve been in this country for 65yrs eh!!

AND.... the worst thing is when after speaking in his pi-jon engleesh.. he adds on a bit of french as in

"And we now turn ze deesh out onto zee plate... VOILA!"

"And zer is ze finished arti-cal, BON!"

"Zis is so zimple to make at home MON DEIU!"

"Well, in my opinion Blank--yer should piss off back to France HADDAWAY N SHITE"

thats what annoys me (tonight)

den d`accord?

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Chocolate ,mind is one of the hardest ingredients to successfully cook with, mais oui.


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The Letter 'H'.

Because it isn't pronounced 'Haitch'. It's pronounced 'Aitch'. But everyone seems to say 'Haitch'. And I constantly have to tell them it's 'Aitch'. They then say I'm wrong, because it should be 'Haitch' because of the 'H' sound.

I then ask them how they pronounce the letter between 'B' and 'D'. Is it 'See' or is it 'Cuh'? And if they call 'K' 'Kicking-Cuh'.

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The Letter 'H'.

Because it isn't pronounced 'Haitch'. It's pronounced 'Aitch'. But everyone seems to say 'Haitch'. And I constantly have to tell them it's 'Aitch'. They then say I'm wrong, because it should be 'Haitch' because of the 'H' sound.

I then ask them how they pronounce the letter between 'B' and 'D'. Is it 'See' or is it 'Cuh'? And if they call 'K' 'Kicking-Cuh'.

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Peter Kay. Or anyone who thinks that just because they've got a northern accent everything they say is funny.

PLEASE NOTE: This isn't a dig at northerners. I just don't like comics who use the fact that they have a northen accent to get laughs. Hope this doesn't come across as ignorant.

Edited by BlackHole2006
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Peter Kay. Or anyone who thinks that just because they've got a northern accent everything they say is funny.

PLEASE NOTE: This isn't a dig at northerners. I just don't like comics who use the fact that they have a northen accent to get laughs. Hope this doesn't come across as ignorant.

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I am going do it just for tonight, as the brits is on in my house and I have had enough annoyances.

The Brits, JLS, Alan Car and Cheryl Cole.

I don't think any of them need explaining to be honest :P

also agree slightly with Peter Kay, not funny at all anymore

Edited by LondonTom
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