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Guest swede

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School traffic. Last week it took me 10 minutes to drive to work. This morning it took 35 minutes due to people taking their kids to school driving like c*nts - parking in the middle of the road to drop their kids off and getting out themselves, pulling out without indicating/when there's no space to do so, ignoring the concept of a right of way because dropping their kids off is more important than anything else in the world... etc.

Also roadworks. Don't think anyone else on here lives in the Woking/Guildford/Weybridge area, but if they did they'd know that for the last 6 months the council have decided it's a good idea to do work (including putting up temporary traffic lights) on pretty much all of the main roads at the same time. Meaning wherever you go at the moment, particularly at peak times it takes about three times as long :P

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I am getting fed up with fighting to get on the f**king bus. But funniest thing I heard this morning was an Asian chap asking if he could sit on the roof....

OH, OH YES. f**kING TESCO f**kING ASKING FOR I f**kING D FROM MY DAUGHTER WHEN I, YES I!!!! WAS BUYING A 4 PACK OF GUINESS AND SHE WAS WITH ME!!!!!. Oh you could be buying it for her I was told. What f**king 17 year old girl drinks Original Guiness!!!

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OH, OH YES. f**kING TESCO f**kING ASKING FOR I f**kING D FROM MY DAUGHTER WHEN I, YES I!!!! WAS BUYING A 4 PACK OF GUINESS AND SHE WAS WITH ME!!!!!. Oh you could be buying it for her I was told. What f**king 17 year old girl drinks Original Guiness!!!
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Its true, people shouldn't blame the poor soul on the till. They're only doing what the supermarkets and Government demand of them for them to stay in their job. Its the person on the till who can face prosecution as well. There's obviously a number of situations when it seems to totally go against common sense (such as when you're shopping with your daughter). But unfortunately common sense has no place in the Labour governments policy making, and the society they've created.

Blame Gordon Brown ... c**t

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Nah it's not as bad as that. The person serving Rufus was a jobsworth. If Rufus's daughter gave him the money, there's suspicion of purchase for a minor, which then falls into breaking the law. It makes perfect sense realy.

You can blame the person on the till if it is ridiculous to common sense. We've been told this and I work in a big supermarket.

It's if two teenagers come in, one 19 say and the other 17, how do I know they arent buying it to share it? (as a number of them do).

Blame the idiots who don't think up the scheme of the 19 year old going in the shop herself or himself to get it, not the law.

Edited by Ed209
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome-as if ciderbelly isn't enough at a festival!!

Boyfriends who can't stand up to their friends and would rather be pushed about than ask them to leave so they can get the train to see you :P

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Surprise surprise. Didn't take long for Pogo to pounce on an anti-labour/Brown comment :P

Thing is this is far from an isolated incident, so something's going wrong somewhere whether it be in policy or in training, but given the current unemployment situation (again I'm blaming labour ...) you can forgive people for being overly cautious when their jobs and a heavy fine are at stake.

The government may have left some room for common sense in the legislation, but thanks to this rediculous nanny state culture we now have in this country, people are too scared of using their common sense.

Well thats my view and I'm sticking to it.

Unfortunately the guy in waiting is a c**t too, and Clegg is as useless as a condom on a monk ... the worst political choice we've had since I started voting...(which to keep to the thread really annoys me)

Edited by BenchBuddah
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Surprise surprise. Didn't take long for Pogo to pounce on an anti-labour/Brown comment :P

Thing is this is far from an isolated incident, so something's going wrong somewhere whether it be in policy or in training, but given the current unemployment situation (again I'm blaming labour ...) you can forgive people for being overly cautious when their jobs and a heavy fine are at stake.

The government may have left some room for common sense in the legislation, but thanks to this rediculous nanny state culture we now have in this country, people are too scared of using their common sense.

Well thats my view and I'm sticking to it.

Unfortunately the guy in waiting is a c**t too, and Clegg is as useless as a condom on a monk ... the worst political choice we've had since I started voting...(which to keep to the thread really annoys me)

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I had this not so long back. A mother and daughter came through my till and the daughter was buying alcohol. I asked her for ID and she didn't have any. The mother said, well, I'll buy it. I said I'm afraid I can't do that, I can't sell it to you if I suspect you are buying it for her. She said (in a raised voice), 'Well, I'm telling you I'm buying it for me'.

She looked a bit like a bull dog so I didn't argue with her!!!

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Had to spend a 4 hour train journey down to Cornwall at christmas sat in only half of the seat I had reserved a month previously, because some disgustingly fat (40stones or so) smelly w*nker had decided he wanted to sit down in the unreserved seat next to me. Ended up with a really sore cricked neck from having my head turned away for 4 hours.

Am i alone in thinking also that really fat people should get their luggage allowance reduced for aeroplanes!? How is it fair that you can be charged £20 for going a kilo over when the guy behind you looks like he ate a whole bakery.... staff, bricks, ovens the lot, and gets the same allowance as you.

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I am getting fed up of people rummaging through the dustbins and rubbish and then leaving all the shit all over the alley for us to then clean up. I lost my temper with some guy last week, and last night I came into the house ranting and raving.
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I know you've gone off on one regarding this before, and I had a moan (wrongly) about you saying they were Slavs or something, but - and I don't want to alarm you - but considering your recent post in the "I'm being stalked thread" - could there be an connection? Maybe some kind of pay-off to some local East European mafia group to go through your bins looking for evidence of your white slave trade business, or the like?

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I would find it amusing, but I was clearing the house the other week and was just chucking clutter out into the wheelie bins (in the front of the house). When I got home from work the bins where down the alley to the side of the house, and had just been tipped out. A neighbour said it was 3 women and a bloke "in charge". Usually rummaging for scrap metal, but in the same sense they could be after anything to use for ID theft. Either way I don't keep a paper trail for my "side lines". Been caught out with that before.
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