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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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Yeah a one of them!

On the annoying front, my flatmates. Jack comes back yesterday and gets ridiculously stoned along with Ryan and then sits there demanding food off me and just being a ridiculous slob. Ryan thinks it's FINE for Gemma to spray paint stuff in his room even though 2 of us are coughing to start with! A certain Essex boy already mentioned also thinks the greatest thing in life is "getting wasted", which really really pisses me off cos whilst that's fine once in a while (or even more than that, we're students after all), just slobbing round the flat drunk or stoned when people are trying to work and it's not even 9pm is really irritating. Oh and we have a warning about drugs cos certain people didn't realise quite what a weedy stench was coming from their room and into the corridor...

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Air 'conditioning'.

Just moved into a brand new office and it's f**king PERISHING. Not because there's no heating, but because the tossers who decide these things reckon we need cold air blasting out of the air conditioning.

And then some stupid, brainless f**ktard says "well at least it'll be nice and cool in summer."

No it won't. It'll still be cold in summer. Cold is cold. Cold in this case equates to f**king freezing. What happens inside the office is nothing to do with how cold it is outside the office. Example:


Outside - f**king freezing

Inside - f**king freezing


Outside - nice and warm

Inside - f**king freezing.

I don't like being f**king freezing, be it midwinter, summer, nighttime, morning, wherever. I hate it. Especially when I'm inside trying to work. They won't fix the problem, because they don't think being f**king freezing IS a problem. I told them to sit where I sit. "Oooh, it is a bit nippy, isn't it?" said bitch number 1. "No," I replied. "It's f**king freezing."


Edited by Langdale Wolf
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I don't like being f**king freezing, be it midwinter, summer, nighttime, morning, wherever. I hate it. Especially when I'm inside trying to work. They won't fix the problem, because they don't think being f**king freezing IS a problem. I told them to sit where I sit. "Oooh, it is a bit nippy, isn't it?" said bitch number 1. "No," I replied. "It's f**king freezing."


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The solution to all these problems in the work place. Go to your bloody union rep! Although I don't think they'd like sexist language used when describing two female colleagues. :P
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Air 'conditioning'.

Just moved into a brand new office and it's f**king PERISHING. Not because there's no heating, but because the tossers who decide these things reckon we need cold air blasting out of the air conditioning.

And then some stupid, brainless f**ktard says "well at least it'll be nice and cool in summer."

No it won't. It'll still be cold in summer. Cold is cold. Cold in this case equates to f**king freezing. What happens inside the office is nothing to do with how cold it is outside the office. Example:


Outside - f**king freezing

Inside - f**king freezing


Outside - nice and warm

Inside - f**king freezing.

I don't like being f**king freezing, be it midwinter, summer, nighttime, morning, wherever. I hate it. Especially when I'm inside trying to work. They won't fix the problem, because they don't think being f**king freezing IS a problem. I told them to sit where I sit. "Oooh, it is a bit nippy, isn't it?" said bitch number 1. "No," I replied. "It's f**king freezing."


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How much f**king bread do the people of Levenshulme f**king need!!!! Every night there is nowhere after 6 to bloody buy any unless you want to trapse for f**king miles down to Asda. Tesco get your f**king act together. I am forced to bake my own rolls for hot dogs now....
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Guest musiclove123
have you got any onion and herbs. Open the sausgae up, stuff with chopped onion and some herbs, bung in the oven, and then slap in a sandwich.
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Air 'conditioning'.

Just moved into a brand new office and it's f**king PERISHING. Not because there's no heating, but because the tossers who decide these things reckon we need cold air blasting out of the air conditioning.

And then some stupid, brainless f**ktard says "well at least it'll be nice and cool in summer."

No it won't. It'll still be cold in summer. Cold is cold. Cold in this case equates to f**king freezing. What happens inside the office is nothing to do with how cold it is outside the office. Example:


Outside - f**king freezing

Inside - f**king freezing


Outside - nice and warm

Inside - f**king freezing.

I don't like being f**king freezing, be it midwinter, summer, nighttime, morning, wherever. I hate it. Especially when I'm inside trying to work. They won't fix the problem, because they don't think being f**king freezing IS a problem. I told them to sit where I sit. "Oooh, it is a bit nippy, isn't it?" said bitch number 1. "No," I replied. "It's f**king freezing."


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Yeah a one of them!

On the annoying front, my flatmates. Jack comes back yesterday and gets ridiculously stoned along with Ryan and then sits there demanding food off me and just being a ridiculous slob. Ryan thinks it's FINE for Gemma to spray paint stuff in his room even though 2 of us are coughing to start with! A certain Essex boy already mentioned also thinks the greatest thing in life is "getting wasted", which really really pisses me off cos whilst that's fine once in a while (or even more than that, we're students after all), just slobbing round the flat drunk or stoned when people are trying to work and it's not even 9pm is really irritating. Oh and we have a warning about drugs cos certain people didn't realise quite what a weedy stench was coming from their room and into the corridor...

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