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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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Chewing gum on the streets.

I don't like chewing gum anyway, but surely you keep it in your gob for long enough as it is, so it shouldn't be too much hassle to keep it in until you see a bin, rather than gob it onto the streets for people to tread on???

It's f**king disgusting.

And you also get c**ts who smear it on seats on the bus/train. WHY??!??? Lazy f**king parasites. :P:P

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I feel absolutely terrible. Been run down for a few weeks (due to a strict diet), and had a bit of a cold this week. I was due to go to court in Cambridge this morning, got up at 4am and I ached all over and started coughing all over the place. Manages to get as far as the bus stop and starts shivering and sweating and just generally aching down my back. Just thought that this isn't happening so turned around and went back to bed at about 5am.

Just got up now, still feel crap, but my daughter has been fussing me :P Gonna curl up on the sofa near the bay window, wrapped in a blanket, and look out of the window in a forlorn manner at the people passing by, in a bid to curry some sympathy.

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Slightly off topc, but cough related. When I was really little (about 3 and no I don't remember), I was always told that I had infant bronchitis. I do remember not been able to start school with all the other kids around 4.

Anywho, gets to secondary school, and I have to have the Heaf test (six pricks :P )for the BCG vaccination. Mine came up with hours and was all blistered, so I had to have a chest xray. I was told that I was immune as my dad had TB when he still lived in Glasgow.

I had to have a chest xray a bit ago, and the doctor told me there were TB scars on my lungs. It turns out I did not have bronchitis when I was a kid I had f**king TB!!

For some reason I find that annoying now.

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just realised that my 12v power in my car doesn't work. which i am then told that i will have to pay for as things like that aren't covered by the 30 day warranty. baws!

anyone know how much that sort of thing costs to get fixed? or can give an idiot guide how to fix it. its an 05 fiesta. had a look at the fuse bit under the lights control but no idea whats what.

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