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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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just realised that my 12v power in my car doesn't work. which i am then told that i will have to pay for as things like that aren't covered by the 30 day warranty. baws!

anyone know how much that sort of thing costs to get fixed? or can give an idiot guide how to fix it. its an 05 fiesta. had a look at the fuse bit under the lights control but no idea whats what.

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At the risk of sounding really patronising - have you tried googling it? Mine went, googled it, cost me about a quid for a fuse - Alot cheaper than the 30 quid the thieving gits at the garage charged me the last time it went! Also, when I changed it I put a 20v fuse in instead of the 15v fuse that was there - its never gone since. I can tell you which fuse is the 12v in a ford ka - you could always try changing that fuse and see if the power comes back
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yeah i did google it which told me to look for the fuse and where to find it, but i don't know the first thing about it. not looked at it properly yet.

where do you buy fuses? and are they easy to change? i've just flipped the door back underneath the light controls, i take it the 'fusebox' or whatever its called pulls out?

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yeah i did google it which told me to look for the fuse and where to find it, but i don't know the first thing about it. not looked at it properly yet.

where do you buy fuses? and are they easy to change? i've just flipped the door back underneath the light controls, i take it the 'fusebox' or whatever its called pulls out?

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You can normally get them in Halfords, Charlie Browns, any auto shop really - or the section on your local petrol station that sells car stuff might have them.

They're dead easy change... a bit fiddly, but the old fuse just pulls out and you put the new one in. In my car the fuse box doesn't pull out - just the individual fuse. In the ka the 12v is on the bottom row of fuses, 5th from the left (cos I just went to check!) You might find that the cover for the fuse box has a very handy little diagram on the back showing what fuse is what - mine does - something that I didn't realise until I took the cover off after spending forever googling what fuse I needed to change! D'oh!

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ta for the help! had a look but still none the wiser. i see what i think i'm meant to change, and i see my spare fuse, but see no way of getting it changed.

luckily my mum works at a place with lots of clued up folk so she's going to take it to work tomorrow and learn how to do it :P

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When you're in the shops, they open a new till and the person standing behind you in the queue thinks that they can jump across and be first.

I don't think so, that's not how queues work.

Actually, shopping in general. Just want some f**king lemsip :P

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Potatoes at this time of year.

I decided to do some mash last night. Took spuds from the same bag, cut them all into the same sort of size, but after 20 mins in the pan, some had dissolved completely whilst others were harder than diamonds still. You'd think that if they came from the same bag then they they were probably from the same field and probably dug up at the same time and probably had exactly the same growing conditions. So why the total inconsistency you Maris Piper b@stards! :P

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Potatoes at this time of year.

I decided to do some mash last night. Took spuds from the same bag, cut them all into the same sort of size, but after 20 mins in the pan, some had dissolved completely whilst others were harder than diamonds still. You'd think that if they came from the same bag then they they were probably from the same field and probably dug up at the same time and probably had exactly the same growing conditions. So why the total inconsistency you Maris Piper b@stards! :P

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The rush hour train ride is luckily only 7 minutes long to my stop. At peak it is horrendous, standing room only, but f**kwits refuse to move down the carriage, and all try to squeeze near the door. Then you can be guaranteed that some lycra short wearer twat is going to try to get on with his bike, as if it is all a game of f**king Tetris. They get upset when you point out that they have a bike, f**king ride jome, and I need to be on the train cos I is fat!!!
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My work are getting on my tits at the moment. They've a new delivery system in place but the management haven't had time to sort out a proper system to work the delivery that doesn't involve me starting at 5am :P Used to start at 7am then they changed it to 6am (which I didn't mind too much tbh) but they asked if I would mind starting at 5am for 'just a couple of weeks' till they sorted out a system that would have everything (delivery away, stockcounts done, etc) done for 10am. I agreed to do it on the basis that it would only be for 2-3 weeks and that I wouldn't be starting at 5am on Fri's as I play football till 11pm then run some of the guys home on a Thurs night. 2-3 Weeks however, has turned into 2 months and they seem to have me in every Fri at 5am!! :P

It's really pissing me off that I have to get up at 4am, usually have to scrape the car windows & wear a hat, scarf and gloves cos its -3 or so every f*cking morning. Then I feel like a tit walking back to the car carrying my winter gear after work cos it's not that cold outside anymore!

Since I've started the early shifts I've had little to no social life, no energy, strange sleeping habits & a pissed off girlfriend. I've told them this week that I'm not happy and didn't want to work at 5am anymore but was told to 'bare with them just a few weeks more' whilst they wait for the stores new budget to be sorted out. I get the distinct feeling though that the 5am starts are going to continue for more than 'a few weeks' :P

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