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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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Hermes Couriers...useless bunch of c**ts!

Ordered a pair of jeans last week and when they still hadnt arrived I checked the courier's online tracking which stated they had tried to deliver the item 3 times and had left a calling card each time...bullshit!

Called their customer services and was told they could do nothing and I would have to contact the company I ordered from and get them to contact Hermes :P

So called the company I ordered from who are looking into it. Being told now they have an "address query". I would assume they were unable to find the flat as we have had this problem before with various couriers/taxis etc, which is strange because they claim to have left calling cards :P:P:lol:

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Hermes Couriers...useless bunch of c**ts!

Ordered a pair of jeans last week and when they still hadnt arrived I checked the courier's online tracking which stated they had tried to deliver the item 3 times and had left a calling card each time...bullshit!

Called their customer services and was told they could do nothing and I would have to contact the company I ordered from and get them to contact Hermes :P

So called the company I ordered from who are looking into it. Being told now they have an "address query". I would assume they were unable to find the flat as we have had this problem before with various couriers/taxis etc, which is strange because they claim to have left calling cards :P:lol::lol:

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I hate that. I have the same problem whenever I order stuff from Amazon/ebay because they don't recognise my address. To make it worse we don't get those "sorry you were out" cards either cos someone in the block has to buzz the postie in :P Right pain in the arse aint it lol
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Well it looks like my work have f**ked up my childcare vouchers AGAIN this month, which will cost us £100 AGAIN. £100 we simply don't have. That's ANOTHER month where we'll struggle to make ends meet.

F**king c**ts - I must have emailed them several times to check all was okay for this month, but it seems they've got confused between arse and elbow.

W**kers - I have written them a tirade of an email demanding they fix it NOW. Not next month, not the month after, but NOW. I don't expect anything to be done now as the payroll has been done, but my god I am f**king furious about this.

C**ts. Useless, lichen-like c**ts.


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cos i wouldn't be mouthing off about work on my works computer. not that i have anything to mouth off about :P
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I've found this when I've not been paid for any premiums orvertime that I've done. Don't take it out on the payroll person, I always find it's 90% not their fault. They only pay/give you what they've been told by the management structures to pay/give you.

Go to the payroll person and explain you can't afford it this month, due to what happened last month, and be calm with them but firm. I always find that's the best way when dealing with these sorts of problems whether it be at work/banks/etc.

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Last night I ended up cooking tea for the kids and their friends. 8 people I cooked for and did a lovely spiced leg of lamb, with tomatoes, roasted peppers and cous cous. Now not the hardest meal to cook, but loads of washing up afterwards. I ended up doing it all myself before I went to bed. Annoying.

But I find it more annoying that I was annoyed :P

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Rufus, at least you recognised your annoyance for what it was. Doesn;t necessarily dissipate it at all, but can't make things worse.

Langdale, can they not be persuaded to cough up the missing money now rather than next payroll? Or with it being vouchers can it not work like that?

Smog, teatime radio suggested it was high-fives all-round with that project. :P

As for me, I'm peeved that the plumbers have decided that the best way to put the new water mains pipes in is by hanging a pipe across the garage ceiling. Sure it can;t go where the old pipe was as the electricity mains is sitting right next to it, but couldn't they have gone just under the garage floor?

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