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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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My son is getting really irritating.

I entered a competition for 2 tickets to the Warehouse Project the other day, and put his name down for them. I then gets an email saying that I have won, and he and a friend are on the guest list.

I prints the email out as he needs to give them a ring, and he bloody complains!! "I already have a ticket" he says. "Oh you can sell that and go in on this" says I. "I can't be bothered" he replies. :P

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I honestly do not think I am going to cope with my daughter (18) moving back in. She wanted some friends around last nght. Fine, I cooks them all a nice Roast Beef and Yorkshire pud meal. Fine. Then it all goes down hill. They all bugger off come in at half one, I don't mind that as much but the staying up until 6am loud as f**k did. I did not want to tackle her in front of her friends so I ask her to keep it down in future after they had all left at 4pm. I did mention that the dishes needed doing as well but she went off in a real huff :P

Edited by Rufus Gwertigan
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Feeling energetic when I can do nothing about it, and feeling completely knackered when I can.

Case in point. I've just been struck by a massive urge to exercise, but I'm stuck sat at my desk at work with no way out until 6, by which time the feeling will have passed and I'll spend another evening in front of a screen of some description, until around midnight when I'll get the energy again, at which point it's too late to start exercising or the adrenaline will keep me up all night. :P

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I have been in a foul mood for a couple of weeks and it all culminated in a rant at a fireign bus driver when he missed my stop. I think I used the phrase "Do they not have bells on the f**king buses where you are from?" and I am certain that I infered that he was better off with "a f**king donkey and a cart". Even the postman got it in the neck for rattling my letterbox. I have a f**king door bell for crying out loud, and it was not even for my post but the meighbours!! c**t!!

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The useless arseholes who work at some of the other centres we have. Never bother to read any notes, hand over calls or listen to the customer, but just pass them straight through to us where we have to deal with pissed off, fed up customers who they simply cant be arsed dealing with. Put me in a right f**king foul mood for tonight :P

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Not being given an option over doing an extra hour of work, unpaid, because there's a deadline tomorrow. I wouldn't care too much if they said "you can have the hour back on Friday when there's less work to do", but that's not even considered. Jobsworth c*nts.

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Feeling energetic when I can do nothing about it, and feeling completely knackered when I can.

Case in point. I've just been struck by a massive urge to exercise, but I'm stuck sat at my desk at work with no way out until 6, by which time the feeling will have passed and I'll spend another evening in front of a screen of some description, until around midnight when I'll get the energy again, at which point it's too late to start exercising or the adrenaline will keep me up all night. :P

Edited by _rachelbon
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My mate's 16 year old brother has joined a Facebook group 'Say NO to the Dudley mosque' - which has a picture of the Union Jack with 'f**k off - this is England' written over the top.

Needless to say, I find this rather more offensive than his usual 'x is a fan of pillows', so I immediately removed him from my friends list and texted my mate telling him his brother needs to stop it with the racist bollocks and grow up.

I have no desire to be associated with anyone who believes such ignorant bullshit, be it on Facebook or anywhere else.


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My mate's 16 year old brother has joined a Facebook group 'Say NO to the Dudley mosque' - which has a picture of the Union Jack with 'f**k off - this is England' written over the top.

Needless to say, I find this rather more offensive than his usual 'x is a fan of pillows', so I immediately removed him from my friends list and texted my mate telling him his brother needs to stop it with the racist bollocks and grow up.

I have no desire to be associated with anyone who believes such ignorant bullshit, be it on Facebook or anywhere else.


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Now that is bad. If I wasn't so apathetic I would report them to Facebook. The thing is with alot of these groups people just join to be seen to be hip or in this case a Nazi. I closed my account anyway due to getting threats :P
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