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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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The thing is, I wouldn't be surprised if this chap is just being a stroppy teenager and will grow out of it, but I won't accept it. At 16 years old, you shouldn't be advocating bullshit like that, let alone letting everyone in your friends list see you support it.

And unfortunately, Facebook is full of nasty little 'groups' like that. It's vile.

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The thing is, I wouldn't be surprised if this chap is just being a stroppy teenager and will grow out of it, but I won't accept it. At 16 years old, you shouldn't be advocating bullshit like that, let alone letting everyone in your friends list see you support it.

And unfortunately, Facebook is full of nasty little 'groups' like that. It's vile.

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My mate's 16 year old brother has joined a Facebook group 'Say NO to the Dudley mosque' - which has a picture of the Union Jack with 'f**k off - this is England' written over the top.

Needless to say, I find this rather more offensive than his usual 'x is a fan of pillows', so I immediately removed him from my friends list and texted my mate telling him his brother needs to stop it with the racist bollocks and grow up.

I have no desire to be associated with anyone who believes such ignorant bullshit, be it on Facebook or anywhere else.


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it's weird how you can really want to exercise but can't be arsed at the same time.

i really want to do my workout dvd right now but just can't be bothered, i'm too tired.

aaaargh i hate it when people don't even bother writing notes on policies at work! then i need to get my TL to listen to calls to actually find out what the f**k is going on, when people could just spend 10 seconds writing a note.

Edited by feral chile
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i've just signed up to it :P

but only to stalk on people and be able to message someone easily. the other crap can piss off.

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Now that is bad. If I wasn't so apathetic I would report them to Facebook. The thing is with alot of these groups people just join to be seen to be hip or in this case a Nazi. I closed my account anyway due to getting threats :P
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Oh things are just getting better for me with each minute to the day. Now the prat at the train station has gone all dumb on me. I bought a train ticket for cash (usually I do it on line), didn't travel so went back to the station I bought the ticket from and filled out a form for a refund. A BLOODY MONTH AGO!!

Just popped into the station to see if he has a contact number for whom ever deals, as I really would like my f**king 100 pounds please. He has no idea and then politely says that it has, in fact only been 27 days, since I filled the form out and returned my tickets, and it takes 28 days to process. I akks where it says that and he says there and I says "No thats 28 days to make the application from the date of issue, give me their number!!" He doesn't have it so I am going to google the w*nkers and track who ever down :P

Edit: Apparently my call is important to them and I should hold on. Bollocks!!

Edited by Rufus Gwertigan
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i hate my half hour lunches but would rather finish at five than take an hour lunch and have to work it back.

and no external mail! that's another thing i hate at work.

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Aye, only the managers have internet and email which they're supposed to use for "business purposes". Do they f**k? :P One of them sits on bookies websites and the other one forwards numerous oh so hilarious rangers related emails :P
Edited by _rachelbon
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How the likes of Michael Caine or Sean Connery seem to pop up to support shitbag politicians every time votes are required. Connery in particular pisses me off actually.

Tell me what you're going to do with policies if you get into f**king power, don't just go "Haha! Look! A celebrity!"

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How the likes of Michael Caine or Sean Connery seem to pop up to support shitbag politicians every time votes are required. Connery in particular pisses me off actually.

Tell me what you're going to do with policies if you get into f**king power, don't just go "Haha! Look! A celebrity!"

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Sean Connery is a nob end. Spouts a load of tosh about being proud to be Scottish, from his Bahamiam mansion, and that he will only move back to Scotland when it gets its independence, which will clearly be never, so he's quite safe.

Wife slapping twat. He annoys me and I didn't even come to this thread thinking to post, but now I'm all riled up thinking about the beardy nonce.

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