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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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People being nasty about someone behind their back and then act like they're best friends to their face.

Case in point I was round a mates house for a lads night of FIFA and beer, while their girlfriends were out together round someone else's house.

Three of the girls cam back pissed around midnight and started talking about one of my best friend's wife (who incidently had stayed sober and given them a lift home). They were basically running her and to a lesser extent her husband (my mate) into the ground for claiming benefits - she doesn't have a job but she's looking, they have a child, and the citizens advice bureau told him if he quit his job he would get more money than he's currently on - which he didn't do btw. It then turned nasty and they were picking on everything she's ever done from how she dressed in school to how he's probably f**king around (which he's definately not) at which point I got up and left.

What annoyed me most was that one of them was her maid of honour when they got married!

I had a word with one of their boyfriends a few day later a out how much it pissed me off an he just shrugged and said "it's just the girls being the way they are"...

Now as some of you know due to my rants in the past, my mates jump through hoops for their girlfriends, and as I may or may not have said before - I would understand it if they were attractive, or at least nice people, but for the most part they are fat, ugly and utterly detestable. And I am proud to say I refuse to treat any of them as friends because people who act that way are no friends of mine.

I'm off to the happy thread to post something about my new group of friends who are actually normal people.

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Don't you hate it when your kids think they know more about music than you do. Today I have been introduced to an up and coming band called "Nirvana". Seriously my daughter and her mates are playing it, and some of the stupid bints think it is a new band.
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People who put salt on chips BEFORE the vinegar !!

Why, oh why ?!!

If you had sense like me, applying the vinegar first adds some moisture to the chips, and in turn the salt sticks to this, rather than falling straight onto the plate.

Suprising how many dont think like me :P

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Don't you hate it when your kids think they know more about music than you do. Today I have been introduced to an up and coming band called "Nirvana". Seriously my daughter and her mates are playing it, and some of the stupid bints think it is a new band.
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f**king volcanos. My holiday is cancelled. We have to reschedule to another date within a month or we lose all our money, and at the moment its looking unlikely that il be able to get any other holidays from work. So thats £1000 down the drain between me and my mum.

Things have been really shite recently and I was so looking forward to just getting away from everything. The thought of going to work on Monday is so depressing :P

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f**king volcanos. My holiday is cancelled. We have to reschedule to another date within a month or we lose all our money, and at the moment its looking unlikely that il be able to get any other holidays from work. So thats £1000 down the drain between me and my mum.

Things have been really shite recently and I was so looking forward to just getting away from everything. The thought of going to work on Monday is so depressing :P

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aw that's shite. :P

will your work not be understanding of the situation and let you change your holidays? if they won't then you might aswell take the time off anyway that you've already booked.. i know if i was meant to be on holiday but it was a choice between sitting in the house or going to work, i'd rather stay at home.

8 weeks today til your festival season starts though so not long til you get some time away :P

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