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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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I resent that!

Seriously, Cordon is much better and far less irritating on that than he has been on anything in the past. Plus, it's quite funny to watch jokes go sailing over Jamie Redknapp's head.

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I am getting annoyed that my daughter keeps on having a go at me. Just in a clothes store and over the tannoy comes "Duty cleaner to the toilets. We have a Code S ". She asks what a code S could be so I says it could be shit or spew or even both at the same time. She said how can you do both, so I squats down, legs apart, and tries to give her a demonstration (with added noises). Apparently that is embarrassing :P

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I am getting annoyed that my daughter keeps on having a go at me. Just in a clothes store and over the tannoy comes "Duty cleaner to the toilets. We have a Code S ". She asks what a code S could be so I says it could be shit or spew or even both at the same time. She said how can you do both, so I squats down, legs apart, and tries to give her a demonstration (with added noises). Apparently that is embarrassing :lol:
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nothing good should be said about james corden in this thread. i thought it was agreed that he is a c**t.
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Today I am mostly seething because I did not get the chance to do the back up needed before my laptop was due to go to the doctors in 2 weeks.

I was planning on doing it tonight (I really only have about 400 photos and 2 albums to back up but the pics are from before Xmas until Easter). Now probably all lost forever :P

After Currys Technical told me to uninstall the wireless key yesterday which then made the wireless issue problem utterly terminal cos it didnt switch back on again...2 minutes after switching the machine on tonight hardwired tp the net via a cable, the whole machine just went pfffffft and now there is no chance of switching it back on again.

f**kity f**kity f**k! :P

And add to that, my dad's laptop is an ancient piece of shit that could implode at any second too and he thinks that my simple usage of Efests and GMail and FB will kill it...despite him filling it with shite and naff videos his mates send of satellite shots of the Earth at night and so on!

And I only installed Spotify Premium the night before the wireless died. AND I received an Xperia X10 on Wednesday too...so no chance of getting anything connected or set up with that either.

Sorry for the rant. The non technological minded people in my house dont give a shit and blame me for f**king up the glitchy HP I have owned for less than a year when its just a shoddy machine. It never worked well properly in the first place tbh. I am just glad it went totally tits up 3 weeks before the warranty was up. Just could of done with it dying AFTER the final back up had taken place. :P

Gaaaaaah! I am going to bed to read Wee Free Men instead.

Edited by LusciousLucy
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And I don't mean 'people who snowboard', I mean people who describe themselves primarily as snowboarders. Its not too bad right now, just a few arriving here and there but in a month or so its going to be a torrent. Next time I hear someone describe somthing as being "sick" (in a positive way) I'm not going to be responsible for my actions. Sounds even more wrong if its said in a home counties accent. And take yer f**king beanie off. We're inside and the heating is on. Your head cant be cold.

Skiers are shit too, but not as bad.

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This :lol:

My work today was a f*cking shambles. According to head office my store is over staffed when in reality the staff are complaining that we're being asked to do too much and given little time to do it considering we're having to do several other jobs at the same time.

Today there was 2 days worth of delivery to put away but we were expected to put it away in the same amount of time as a standard day- with one person less than usual :P Needless to say, it wasn't away on time and I was pulled up to the managers office to explain why. Why do managers never listen to what you tell them though? Instead my manager constantly spouted out a load of pish about how we were just too slow and that it's f*cked up the stores 'model day'. Well they can stick their model day pish up there f*cking trumpets as far as I'm concerned! :P

I need out of retail!

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We had 5 people leave our team in the space of 2 weeks. so far we've had 2 replacements in who are still in the process of being trained so we're all still having to do the work of the full team.

The real kick in the teeth came about a week after when one of the most experienced members of our team was moved to another dept for a week to be trained. Someone from the other team came over to replace him while he was training. Needless to say the week turned into 2, which turned into 3, which turned into a permanent move. A week after that the guy who had come from the other team went back to them and we were left another body short :P

At least both our teams are (currently) winning. Last game of the season to decide 7th? :P

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