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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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I once had a shard of shell/sand stuck in the bottom of my foot (in the heel) and it's the single most painful thing I've ever experienced besides slicing through a tendon in my wrist. It took weeks to get it out with lots of 'drawing out' cream and I was off my foot for about 3 weeks. People at work still take the piss because when it finally did come out the shard was about this big: .
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No matter how I try to avoid them I still get annoyed. They should be forced to wear badges or something to identify themselves before they open their f**king stupid mouths. Also there should be a message when you ring a company up:

"For quality and control purposes we would like to advise our customers that 85% of our staff are total f**kwits. Thank you for your patience"

or at least a choice of speaking to a real advisor or a total f**kwit.

"Press one for a customer advisor"

"Press zero for real customer advisor"

Edited by Rufus Gwertigan
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My football boots have a big hole in them :P Going to have to try and save some cash to buy a new pair ASAP. In all honesty, its an expense I could really do without since festival season is almost starting. I'm going to have to gaffa tape them in the meantime :P

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My football boots have a big hole in them :P Going to have to try and save some cash to buy a new pair ASAP. In all honesty, its an expense I could really do without since festival season is almost starting. I'm going to have to gaffa tape them in the meantime :P
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Email scammers.

I mean they dont even bother trying anymore. At least the tales of woe they used to spin were quite entertaining but I just got this one at work

Good Morning

Listen, this man is a engineer in Benin and this man has $ in bank and I am a working in that Eco Bank also since six year this man die, I did not see any person that come for the $ I want you to stand as his brother to clam the money if you are agree inform me. Email:(

Edited by philipsteak
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Psychotic work colleagues.

Great to taunt from afar, but when you have to sit by them, f**king scary.

I'm convinced this one girl in the office is a psychopath. I might get her number and send it to markeeee.

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