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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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Was walking home on friday night with a few mates, had been at a friends house. Anyway, walked past a group of absolute tinks, who then thought it's okay to wait till we've walked about 50 yards then turn round and hurl abuse. Even better when after we don't respond he picks up a brick and follows us, realises his mates aren't going to help and theres 5 of us standing there, throws away the brick and keeps walking past.

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People who feel the need to wak about in a fully air conditioned shopping centre with their shirts off. I dont want to see your pallid, flabby skin or shit tattoos :P

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The ignorant f**kwits who actually believe that the police are going to ban england shirts and protest by making racist and disgusting hate groups on facebook.

Seriously- how f**king stupid can you be?

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The ignorant f**kwits who actually believe that the police are going to ban england shirts and protest by making racist and disgusting hate groups on facebook.

Seriously- how f**king stupid can you be?

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The ignorant f**kwits who actually believe that the police are going to ban england shirts and protest by making racist and disgusting hate groups on facebook.

Seriously- how f**king stupid can you be?

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when you order something off Amazon and after you have paid tell you its coming from usa and is going to take up to a month to arrive

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Being over qualified and under qualified for the same fecking job.

Being miserable in your current job and totally unable to find a new one or quit.

Being totally bored and not even able to find a decent argument to have on here.

Being told by your GP that you just have to put up with the weight gain and lack of energy and inability to function properly for 2 years.

I having a bad week :P:P

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Being over qualified and under qualified for the same fecking job.

Being miserable in your current job and totally unable to find a new one or quit.

Being totally bored and not even able to find a decent argument to have on here.

Being told by your GP that you just have to put up with the weight gain and lack of energy and inability to function properly for 2 years.

I having a bad week :P:P

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Critics. Food critics, TV critics, music critics, film critics, game critics, armchair football managers.

People who exist solely to criticise work they only wish they could do as well themselves, but lack the knowledge and skill to come up with anything as good as what they give critiques on. So they write about it and bring the efforts of the talented down to their level because they can't elevate themselves. If you were an ex-something (ex-3 star michelin chef, renowned award winning actor/director, professional designer, ex-footballer etc) then you're totally qualified - but if all you are is a professional critic then just f*cking do one.

It's mainly food and game critics that piss me off. "I eat a lot of food" and "I play lots of games" doesn't mean you're qualified to trash someone elses work, f*ck you.


Edited by Purple Monkey
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