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Guest swede

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I doubt this counts as comfort, but surely the bold part can't be true?

A mate of mine got a speeding fine the other day. I'm very much in favour of strict speed limits in residential areas, but he was doing 37mph on a road where the visibility was excellent, there is pavement, and it's extremely rare for pedestrians to cross because there's absolutely nothing there.

Maybe it serves him right, but it's harder to take when you see things like this go unpunished. I accept that there's a car sized blindspot under the bonnet, but not that it's possible to not see a car pull up in front of you/slow down, not feel the impact, and not realise that something strange is happening while driving at 60mph and pushing one.

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She'd under took him, she was in the wrong. If he'd actually seen her you really think he'd have continued shunning her along? It was a wet day so her car was aqua plaining whilst being pushed, therefore he wouldn't have felt any extra weight.
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Sex and the City.

I mean come on - it's complete f**king bollocks. I read the Metro this morning and it was full of pissy adverts for it, photos of stupid gullible tarts queuing up to see horse face and her bint friends act like whores.

Worse than all of that - every female I know (my wife excepted - thank god) seems to think it's great and can't wait to see it. What the f**k is WRONG with them? Can't they see it's complete trash?

I've nothing against trash as long as I know I can escape the f**king thing, but this is unavoidable. It's everywhere.

An absolute stain on modern society, and a film that gives woman-kind a very bad name.

Now I won't feel any guilt at all about being a boring arsehead during the World Cup.

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I'm not suggesting for a second that he did it on purpose (if he did, it would be attempted murder!). And in his defence I've never driven a lorry. But I find it hard to believe that a competent driver can go that far along the chain of events before realising anything is wrong.
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Sex and the City.

I mean come on - it's complete f**king bollocks. I read the Metro this morning and it was full of pissy adverts for it, photos of stupid gullible tarts queuing up to see horse face and her bint friends act like whores.

Worse than all of that - every female I know (my wife excepted - thank god) seems to think it's great and can't wait to see it. What the f**k is WRONG with them? Can't they see it's complete trash?

I've nothing against trash as long as I know I can escape the f**king thing, but this is unavoidable. It's everywhere.

An absolute stain on modern society, and a film that gives woman-kind a very bad name.

Now I won't feel any guilt at all about being a boring arsehead during the World Cup.

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I have never seen a Sex and the City film and have only seen minor amounts of the program.

Some friends on facebook invited me to go and see the film 'all glammed up' :P they went for cocktails beforehand. Safe to say I declined their invite.

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Sex and the City.

I mean come on - it's complete f**king bollocks. I read the Metro this morning and it was full of pissy adverts for it, photos of stupid gullible tarts queuing up to see horse face and her bint friends act like whores.

Worse than all of that - every female I know (my wife excepted - thank god) seems to think it's great and can't wait to see it. What the f**k is WRONG with them? Can't they see it's complete trash?

I've nothing against trash as long as I know I can escape the f**king thing, but this is unavoidable. It's everywhere.

An absolute stain on modern society, and a film that gives woman-kind a very bad name.

Now I won't feel any guilt at all about being a boring arsehead during the World Cup.

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Sex and the City.

I mean come on - it's complete f**king bollocks. I read the Metro this morning and it was full of pissy adverts for it, photos of stupid gullible tarts queuing up to see horse face and her bint friends act like whores.

Worse than all of that - every female I know (my wife excepted - thank god) seems to think it's great and can't wait to see it. What the f**k is WRONG with them? Can't they see it's complete trash?

I've nothing against trash as long as I know I can escape the f**king thing, but this is unavoidable. It's everywhere.

An absolute stain on modern society, and a film that gives woman-kind a very bad name.

Now I won't feel any guilt at all about being a boring arsehead during the World Cup.

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Speaking of...

What annoyed me today was laughing out loud at a line in Total Film and not being able to explain what was so funny to my colleagues...

The line was: "Serial killer John Wayne Gacy dressed up as Pogo to disguise his ungodly acts"

...that wasn't something I just learned today either, yet I still chuckled!

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Sex and the City.

I mean come on - it's complete f**king bollocks. I read the Metro this morning and it was full of pissy adverts for it, photos of stupid gullible tarts queuing up to see horse face and her bint friends act like whores.

Worse than all of that - every female I know (my wife excepted - thank god) seems to think it's great and can't wait to see it. What the f**k is WRONG with them? Can't they see it's complete trash?

I've nothing against trash as long as I know I can escape the f**king thing, but this is unavoidable. It's everywhere.

An absolute stain on modern society, and a film that gives woman-kind a very bad name.

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Sex and the City.

I mean come on - it's complete f**king bollocks. I read the Metro this morning and it was full of pissy adverts for it, photos of stupid gullible tarts queuing up to see horse face and her bint friends act like whores.

Worse than all of that - every female I know (my wife excepted - thank god) seems to think it's great and can't wait to see it. What the f**k is WRONG with them? Can't they see it's complete trash?

I've nothing against trash as long as I know I can escape the f**king thing, but this is unavoidable. It's everywhere.

An absolute stain on modern society, and a film that gives woman-kind a very bad name.

Now I won't feel any guilt at all about being a boring arsehead during the World Cup.

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I was going to post something similar to this. Thank you for taking the words out of my mouth.
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I guess media coverage? That episode originally aired pre 9/11 (i think, if not it was certainly before that Danish cartoon business) because no one brought attention to it, no one blew it out of proportion, so the episode was never withdrawn from circulation.

Edited by Lithium05
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I have never seen a Sex and the City film and have only seen minor amounts of the program.

Some friends on facebook invited me to go and see the film 'all glammed up' :P they went for cocktails beforehand. Safe to say I declined their invite.

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Little f**king neds who think its funny to go round throwing boulders through folks car windows!!!

Bout 11.30 last night, heard a bang, and some laughing, just thought it was some drunks getting out a taxi or something. 10 mins later, neighbour rings door to say some wee fannies have smashed my car window. Passenger window is shattered, and the boulder had gone through and cracked my windscreen as well.

Police caught the little f**ks, but they are 14 and in care, so basically nothing will be done, and il likely get no compensation for it, so its costing me 75 quid excess that i cud REALLY do without paying out this month, with 3 festivals and a wedding :P

On the plus side, going to newcastle tomorro for Evolution festival, so im gonna get smashed :P

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