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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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Sex and the City.

I mean come on - it's complete f**king bollocks. I read the Metro this morning and it was full of pissy adverts for it, photos of stupid gullible tarts queuing up to see horse face and her bint friends act like whores.

Worse than all of that - every female I know (my wife excepted - thank god) seems to think it's great and can't wait to see it. What the f**k is WRONG with them? Can't they see it's complete trash?

I've nothing against trash as long as I know I can escape the f**king thing, but this is unavoidable. It's everywhere.

An absolute stain on modern society, and a film that gives woman-kind a very bad name.

Now I won't feel any guilt at all about being a boring arsehead during the World Cup.

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I've never seen an episode, and never intend to. I never like girlie things, they're always full of whinging and whining.

I prefer films that are full of lighthearted banter, and that usually involves films where the focus is on men.

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it's not all whinging and whining in the SATC, the first film had some really funny bits, but some really emotional bits aswell.. the characters do have depth and personalities, it's not just girlie pish.

but obviously i love all the nice dresses and shoes. :P

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SATC is definitely awful.

Women acting like c*nts under the guise of "sisters doing it for themselves". *puke*. I'm a fan of feminism, but SATC's attitude isn't feminist, it's just women acting like the shittiest types of men. Forgive me if I don't find it endearring.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I'm f*cking sick and tired of it- it's absolute w*nk!! I've been trying to upload 150+ photo's onto my facebook page only for the bloody thing to take 30mins to do it, then pop up with a f*cking window saying "upload failed please try again later". Can't see why so many folk love the bloody thing!

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man 1 - i was feeling really sick last night.

man 2 - how sick were you?

man 1 - i was in bed with my sister.

was just my take on the popular joke pogo, i don't really think you and daley get up to anything.

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