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happy new year

Guest Jim King

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hi guys

first day back in the office so feeling about as up for it as you guys probably are.

anyway, just wanted to wish you all a happy new year and hope you all had a nice break over the holidays.

we're just putting the finishing touches to the next announcement which will be in the next few weeks. we'll give the exact date of the release out about a week before so you'll all know when to tune it.

things are all pretty good with us and the show is coming together nicely.

front row camping has been popular and i've been interested to see some of the comments about whether its a good or a bad thing. i think general concern has been about not being able to camp with your pals if you buy late but all i'd say is that you can secure this ticket for only a small down payment so please do take up the offer. as you all know at rock ness the campsites are laid out really close to the arena anyway so all is not lost either way.

the 'front row' price is still available but it wont be for long and we'll soon be at the full price so please take this into account when thinking about when to purchase. remember you only have to pay the minimum downpayment now to secure this.

we got some really good new stuff going on for nesstival this year and there's more going into the friday night. it will still be a later start on the friday as per past year but its going to be worth gettign there early for sure.

great news about radio 1 being on board and i think its a great thing for us that they want to be at the show. i think the annie mac arena could be the best place all weekend.

we had the nye show with ministry at the o2 arena last week and had the justice guys djing. (xavier was unbelievable btw).

just so you know the rock ness twitter page is being handled by the guys in the office to ensure that it has more info on there when we start announcing this other than my ramblings. i'm going to twitter from jimloudsound if you want to join that and you can get rock ness info from me on there as well.

for the students out there please do check out the ambassador opportunities. could be useful for you.

anyway, hope the first day back depression isnt that bad and i'll be back on here about once a week from now on with info and trying to keep up to date with questions etc. until then please keep in contact, keep the questions, ideas and feedback coming in and we'll try and answer then all as soon as we can.

take care


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happy new year to you jim ...cant wait for more acts to be announced and the Q&A was most good looking forward to hearing more ....and roll on this years i no its months away but im really excited lol :P:P:P

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