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Your pets

Guest musiclove123

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Guest musiclove123
  mynameisearl said:
Years ago we used to have a black labrador called Ben. It had to get put down though.

Most of the time I upload my pictures onto tinypic and post the link it gives you (it'll be wrapped in %7Boption%7D tags so just copy and paste straight into your post). Alternatively if the image is already hosted somewhere eg Facebook then right click on the image, go to properties and then copy the location underneath image properties. Then click the insert image icon at the top of the reply box and paste the location into there. :P

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I used to have a cavalier king charles, but she died 2 years ago, when I was living in america. I bawled my eyes out for about 2 days when my mum called me to tell me :P Its horrible, but I was more sad saying bye to her when I left than my mum and dad, coz I cud talk to them on the fone. Then I never got to see her again :P

She was the cutest thing ever :P she never seemed to properly grow up, even when she was about 10, people always thought she was about a year coz she still had a wee baby (puppy) face :P


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My darling cat is called Phoebe. She is now over 10 years old and getting more lovely by the day. Once an aloof cat now a lap loving, paddy pawing, soppy purr monster. Will roll on her back and demand a tummy rub and will stay in that position until demand is achieved. Looks a fool but very cute and lovely indeed.

So picky with her food so far today she has indulged in parma ham, smoked salmon and Tosco's Finest Tuna with Shrimp cat food.

Do have pics but they are epic in size so need to figure out how to shrink them so opening them dont slow anyone's pooter's down massively.

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So the urine test confirms she has kidney failure and it's pretty bad but it's not REALLY bad. We now have to give her tablets for 10 days then send in another urine sample so that they can make sure they are working for her.

The main problem we have is that we have another cat who's a bit of a bully. She's now having to be shut outside for the most part of the day while Connie gets rest and can come and go to her food and water as and when she pleases (if we left it down while Cleo was in Cleo would eat until she burst).

It's going to be really hard work, much more so than if it was just one sick cat we had to look after. Hopefully we'll get there.

What isn't helping too is that my grandma is in hospital after having a few falls during and after Christmas. We've just been told she has vascular dementia.

What a wonderful start to the year I'm having so far!!

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Bugsy 'Teddy Face', our special little house rabbit. A friend found him in his kitchen; couldn't trace the owner or look after him so we took him on. The most friendly, gorgeous cuddly little bloke who lit up our lives until he passed away recently while we were on holiday. We buries him in the garden lawn and planted a shit load of daffy and Bluebell bulbs over him so come the Spring we'll see a blaze of flowery colour that he would have happily eaten, where he still around.

Best Pet ever - Rabbits are flippin' gorgeous, especially for small kids, who seem enchanted by them.

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Guest musiclove123
  saxybird said:

Bugsy 'Teddy Face', our special little house rabbit. A friend found him in his kitchen; couldn't trace the owner or look after him so we took him on. The most friendly, gorgeous cuddly little bloke who lit up our lives until he passed away recently while we were on holiday. We buries him in the garden lawn and planted a shit load of daffy and Bluebell bulbs over him so come the Spring we'll see a blaze of flowery colour that he would have happily eaten, where he still around.

Best Pet ever - Rabbits are flippin' gorgeous, especially for small kids, who seem enchanted by them.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest musiclove123
  Rufus Gwertigan said:
Funny you should say that. I was thinking of having rabbits for meat and fur, and I was going to ask at what point does a pet become food.

Oh, sorry for your loss btw :P I do mean that as well :P

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