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Decided not to go to T in the Park

Guest Poleski

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Used to go and then I realised there were better ways of spending 100 quid a day.

Truth is I didn't realise this. There are very few better ways of spending 100 quid a day. I just didn't have the 500 notes and the minimum of 1000 for a fortnight. Went one year with about 700. Nightmare, my mates ended up nicking mm's and doritos from a late night shop in the most mangled shop lift ever.

for two days we had enough money for food or drink. tough choice. eh? Seriously nearly starved,

Last night, bus leaves at 5 and we discover 150 notes in a bank account because at that time we couldn't work out the exchange rate, at about 11pm. So Es Paradis Terrenial it was then. Via KFC. and a great little pub called aganthus. How I caught that flight I will never know.

Edited by theampersanddevil
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lucky bastard :P very jealous, sounds like june is going to be a riot for u :P

still majorly gutted that its eminem not jay z at T but the strokes and leftfield playing of the same bill.....T would have to announce springsteen. jimi hendrix and arcade fire to have a better line up than rocknss lol

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lucky bastard :P very jealous, sounds like june is going to be a riot for u :P

still majorly gutted that its eminem not jay z at T but the strokes and leftfield playing of the same bill.....T would have to announce springsteen. jimi hendrix and arcade fire to have a better line up than rocknss lol

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Truth is i'm not too fussed on the headliners for T, nice to have a few big names to wave around but main stage had T has the most horrendous crowd and usually pretty bad sound, I'd much rather be at the NME/R1 tent or king tuts, even the slam tent would be better.

Last year the only acts I saw on the main stage all weekend were Blur, Bloc Party, Specials and KOL... Other than Blur and Specials it was a waste of time!

Looking forward to a proper announcement on tues

Edited by anx
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I'd say it's mainly because I managed to get hold of a Glastonbury ticket.

Not impressed with T in the Parks headliners, so RockNess' will more than suffice in terms of Scottish festivals.


Fatboy Slim, Leftfield, The Strokes


Eminem, Muse, Kasabian (possibly Green Day too)

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screw u he is awesome! lol never sen him live so i cant comment but i love the boss lol...yeah the mighty zep would ne awesome! ... u know i was talking to this dude in ma work and he had no idea who / what led zepplin are.....i was nearly taken ill from shock!!!
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i thought i'd miss it last year cause i'd been the previous 4 years in a row. but i didn't think about it at all leading up to it, and even the weekend it was on it barely crossed my mind.

i decided to stop going because i wasn't enjoying it anymore, it's a rubbish festival and a waste of money. but after going 4 years in a row i thought i'd find it hard not being there when everyone else was. i'm so glad i was wrong on that one. now that i don't miss it, there's not much temptation to go back. it would take a really amazing line up for me to go back there now.

if people go and have an amazing time, then it's worth the money for them. but it all depends what you look for in a festival aswell. for some people T may offer everything they want. for me, it offers very few things i want. it was a good festival to start off with before i moved onto better festivals, but i'm glad i stopped going before i started to really hate it.

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Just thought i would throw my tuppence worth in, decided last year to do Rock instead of T but as T is like 20mins from my door and friends always go i did really miss it, i also drive past the site twice a day everyday, managed to get a couple of freebies for the Sunday and had a great time, will be picking up day tickets again this year for T and even though overall it is a rip off doing the one day with close friends is a laugh.

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Just thought i would throw my tuppence worth in, decided last year to do Rock instead of T but as T is like 20mins from my door and friends always go i did really miss it, i also drive past the site twice a day everyday, managed to get a couple of freebies for the Sunday and had a great time, will be picking up day tickets again this year for T and even though overall it is a rip off doing the one day with close friends is a laugh.
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