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When is our first announcement?

Guest EmsieXxX

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I'm sure this question gets asked every week.

There should be a pinned discussion thread where it states the average date of the announcement.

Info on previous years announcement dates.

I've posted before about google news. If you search reading festival / leeds festival, click on the year 2009 at the side of the page then it shows you a timeline of stories written or containing r/l festival. you can click on the poular months (as you can see AUG/SEP will have the run up and aftermath stories of the festival) March has a particularly high amount of stories in it.

If you click a month you can see the stories for that month. Click every month march to aug and you will be able to judge when the announcments will be for this year, based on last years.



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Yeah it would be nyc 2 get a little bit time to study the Lineup to see if you actually want to go. You might decide you want to go somewhere else instead, but thats the organisers ploy you see, in order to sell out quick.

I'm hoping this year it may not sell out after first announcement if problems with the touts were true last year. it seems as if everyone was trying to be a tout or most didn't like the lineup so decided to sell. I'm thinking people myt think twice this year about doing that if they lost money.

I don't mind street corner tours because they provide a service and its there living. It's the internet tours that dont provide people a service and purposely buy more than they need, stopping genuine people from getting tickets and trying to cover the cost of there weekend from doing this by charging extortionate prices.

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Aye, last year I went from being elated to have got a ticket (tried before seeing line-up), to tear out my hair furious that I'd just paid 200 quid (near enough) for utter shite that I had no interest in seeing. Granted the line-up improved over time, but had I had time to think I probably wouldn't have bothered!

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