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T in the park


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This is getting us nowhere, Neil has already said that the TITP forum will probably return and arguing round and round in circles is probably delaying that from happening.

I've posted a thread for discussion of TITP in the meantime, which I'm sure Neil won't mind as long as it doesn't turn into a slagging match or anything:

/index.php?showtopic=141596">TITP Discussion

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just to put my tuppence worth in, I have been following the t forum since about 2004 and have always it found it very useful, I have no idea what has gone on in the past few days since I was last on but im sure you get a..holes on every forum on the net.

however i do find it a bit off that the whole of the T forum be taken away rather than just ban the people causing the problem, if this were the way all business were run we would have no festivals, no concerts, no football matches, no rugby matches......I could go on and on. point is there are idiots no matter where you go and its these people who need dealt with, not the majority of decent people who only want to chat about their favourite festival.

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In order to ban the people who Efests says are causing whatever trouble, he effectivly would have to ban himself as there is no smoke without fire and you know Neil you are more than capable of adding fuel to your self imposed fire and by the way had a good meeting in case your wondering although my train was late xx

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Reading through this thread and thinking about everything that lead up to the TITP forum getting deleted got me thinking. The same posters have been ruining that forum for quite a while with there inane crap, threads going nowhere, any serious discussion getting hijacked with there pish. Yeah, it could have been moderated better but as a whole we should be able to moderate these things ourselves. Any other festival forum and the idiots would have been shouted down and sent away with there tails between there legs. Yet on the TITP ones they were treated like kings and queens. The shite they were posting wasn't funny and it wasn't harmless, as someone who's been using the forums for a few years I couldn't be arsed going near it so I can't imagine an new user could be bothered trawling through all thew shite to find the info they wanted. If I was one of the ones involved I'd be ashamed that the whole thing had to be taken away from everyone because of my arsey behaviour.

I hope the TITP forum does come back as it used to be a good laugh and was a great resource of info for everyone but I hope if it does come back the usual suspects don't return with there incoherant posts about f**king Subo lol and if they do find a way back in I hope people have the guts to tell them to get to f**k as they're not needed or wanted around here.

Edited by rexclark
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With regards to bad behaviour the finger cannot soley be pointed at the people who made what you call arsey comments you have to take all factors into the equasion, there was not any malice in what was said to Neil it was mearly a comment on how he presented himself could be considered to be rude and as he was rude to me it would not be in my nature to sit in silence I,m here if he wants to discuss it further but I don't think negotiation is his strong point. Anyway as he says it's his forum and he'll cry if he wants to.

On reflection I take that back it,s just his forum

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With regards to bad behaviour the finger cannot soley be pointed at the people who made what you call arsey comments you have to take all factors into the equasion, there was not any malice in what was said to Neil it was mearly a comment on how he presented himself could be considered to be rude and as he was rude to me it would not be in my nature to sit in silence I,m here if he wants to discuss it further but I don't think negotiation is his strong point. Anyway as he says it's his forum and he'll cry if he wants to.

On reflection I take that back it,s just his forum

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The people who were posting all the shite on there were running it into the ground, it was becoming unbearable to others who have been using the forum for years. There was a little clique who posted constant shite. Perhapsd it was harmless but it wasstill a load of shite. Surely you can't say that the forum was being used for what it was there for? It was abused and with that it had to be taken away until people learn a little respect for others and how to behave on an internet forum.

There are alot of people on here who are normally quite vocal when they disagree with Neil but nearly all of them are on his side this time because he's in the right. If it weas my site I would've did the same thing. The place is best rid of them all.

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The people who were posting all the shite on there were running it into the ground, it was becoming unbearable to others who have been using the forum for years. There was a little clique who posted constant shite. Perhapsd it was harmless but it wasstill a load of shite. Surely you can't say that the forum was being used for what it was there for? It was abused and with that it had to be taken away until people learn a little respect for others and how to behave on an internet forum.
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Are you saying I should roll over and let him scratch my tummy I think not, I was not dissagreeing with him quite the opposite I had to agree he had a point but I was only saying that he could put his point over in a more polite and acceptable manner which is not too much to ask If I was rude to you would you not tell me
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i agree with you there. that's a major flaw of neil's. if he was just a user of the site, he could do it all he likes but in his position, there really isn't any need for it and i think people lose a lot of respect for him because of it.
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The people who were posting all the shite on there were running it into the ground, it was becoming unbearable to others who have been using the forum for years. There was a little clique who posted constant shite. Perhapsd it was harmless but it wasstill a load of shite. Surely you can't say that the forum was being used for what it was there for? It was abused and with that it had to be taken away until people learn a little respect for others and how to behave on an internet forum.

There are alot of people on here who are normally quite vocal when they disagree with Neil but nearly all of them are on his side this time because he's in the right. If it weas my site I would've did the same thing. The place is best rid of them all.

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when you say squashing the opinion of, if you're referring to the 'prodigy and eminem won't be moved to not clash' then i think he was fully within his right to do that. he knows the most about festivals on this site and his opinion for the majority of the time should be taken on board and listened to.
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i agree with you there. that's a major flaw of neil's. if he was just a user of the site, he could do it all he likes but in his position, there really isn't any need for it and i think people lose a lot of respect for him because of it.
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Can we like, you know, move on?

Who's everyone hoping to be added? I would love Kid Cudi, Ratatat, Frightened Rabbit, Lady GaGa, Arcade Fire, Them Crooked Vultures and Wild Beasts. Not sure how likely they are but I think they're all possibe.

Anyone who says Arctic Monkeys/Kings of Leon gets shot.

Edited by FURYpwns
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You know whats sucks a wee bit?

You dont come on efests for a wee bit then spend a good 7/8 pages catching up on a thread you were on last time, only to find it was 7/8 pages of your life wasted!

This just happend


EDIT: probs coz of posts like this, my bad sozzers!

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When you are replying to a post, click the rte-link-button.png button. Then paste the URL in there and then click ok, then enter the text you want in the next box and click ok again :P
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