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q & a

Guest Jim King

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Paul asks:

When can we expect a site map/plan and any chance of some clues on any layout changes/surprises?

Hi paul, we’ve not making too many changes but we have changed the layout of nesstival around and we’ve moved the big tent at the top of the hill back to where it was when daft punk played. The arcadia afterburner keeps moving around but i think we’ve got it in the right spot now. I think we’ll have the site plan formally signed off in a few weeks and then we’ll ge it posted up onto the website.

Can you let us know if its the scaled down Arcadia rig used at Bestival 09 or the full size one from Glasto (and being used at Bestival 10) that will be at Rockness this year?

Yes its the same version that we used at Bestival.

How do you find these Q&A sessions? Is it more hassle for you or do you think it actually benefits the festival?

I actually quite enjoy it. Its good way to get feedback on the show from our customers and it also helps generate some new ideas and ways of doing things.

You and Rob Da Bank are obviously good friends/business associates, do you think there is scope for a Scottish Bestival or is the festival scene in Scotland at it's peak?

I hope not! Seriously though I’m not sure Scotland could accommodate another festival at the moment.

Rexclark asks:

There's been a lot of discussion about the various arenas and what days they are on, could you tell us what Arenas there are and what days they'll be on.

Its going to be within the next week.

Kowalski asks:

Before anybody moans, I'm not bothered either way, but....are there any plans to show the England v USA game on the Saturday? Even a wee telly in the real ale tent would suffice...

We were only discussing this today. If we get enough people asking in the lead up then im sure we will but we wont be putting in on big screens or anything.

Gordong asks:

What’s going on with Daft Punk? Are they ever going to return to rockness if there available?

When they decide to play live again i’m sure we’ll be offering.

Festie-Follower asks:

Are you planning on giving us one big announcement instead of them coming out in dribs and drabs?

We have a big announcement of acts coming in the next week. This will be the main volume of the bill and a lot of the support stages.

Pothead Pixie asks:

Hi Jim like the poster last week who mentioned about getting into the music promotions business. I am completing my honours degree in journalism at Napier, how do journalists get into the business of writing the group and artists biographies for festival and concert programmes. Like ever since I went on this course, I have a dream of doing music journalism. So I will be trying for all the magazines like Mojo, Uncut, Classic Rock, Record Collector etc.. Writing for concert programmes is quite a lucrative sort of journalism, so Id like to know how you can get the foot in the door there.

Losing.my.edge asks:

I booked tickets through Ticketline, do you know when they will be posted?

Best to check directly with ticketline but i’m sure that it will be in a few weeks at the most.

Will camping stoves be permitted into the campsite this year?

A lot of shows are being asked to not allow them anymore and we’re waiting for the fire officer’s decision and i’ll let you know through the website info section.

P.S. Could you please book Air?!

Maybe next year.

_rachelbon asks

when are you going to announce the 3rd clash headliner?

Will be in the next week Rachel.

TLC38 asks:

We have bought 3 day camping tickets and are going to be camping on the Fri and Sat nights however we want to pack up the tents, leave the campsite, book into a B&B on the Sunday and return a few hours later to enjoy the final day.

Can we do this, will we get back in without any hassle (will obviously have our tickets and wristbands still on us) and do we need to get another type of pass to do this?? I know that you can come and go as you please as long as you have your wristband and original ticket at T in the Park and other festivals but would like a definitive answer as have heard conflicting stories about Rockness! We just want to end the weekend with a bit of comfort, hot showers and cooked breakfast

Hi. We do allow pass outs but you need to be back inside the festival by 2pm on the Sunday. We agree this with the local community as the village and surrounding roads just couldn’t cope with a large number of people wandering in and out of the festival and into the village so we try and encourage people to re enter as quickly as they can. Hopefully this will give you enough time to get to where you need to go on Sunday morning and then back into the festival

Pancake 70 asks:

Jim again I ask when the next announcement is? Also just wandering how many people u will expect to be their on the Friday and if the Friday acts will get big crowds due to them crowds. Hope u understand me

Hi, next announcement will be next week. We normally expect to have about 20000 there on the Friday night and i think fatboy is always going to get a big crowd when he plays rock ness.

Iain333 asks:

Are you in a position to say who will be headlining the Clash on the Saturday and or Sunday?

Hi Iain, we’ll have this info out next week.

Zlatan07 asks:

what’s your vision for rockness in the future? or are u just trying to get a few successful runs under your belt?

Well this is incredibly the 5th one now so hopefully we getting into the right groove but we’re always trying to move the show forward. In terms of a longer term vision its really just a case of us trying to keep the show interesting for the customers so they want to keep coming back.

Blackg1000 asks:

Really long shot but a realistic one so here goes....

Can you book Orbital again this year? They were downright incredible and performance of the festival for me last year and can you imagine what people all over the UK will say when they hear that 'Rockness has the two titans of dance music, Leftfield and Orbital on the same bill'? Don't think that's ever happened before and Jim King makes things happen......

Glad you had a great time at Orbital. Unfortunately they wont be back this year but i think Leftfield are going to tick every box available. I honestly think their set is going to the one of the highlights of any rock ness from the last 5 years.

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Are you planning on giving us one big announcement instead of them coming out in dribs and drabs?

We have a big announcement of acts coming in the next week. This will be the main volume of the bill and a lot of the support stages.

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Glad you had a great time at Orbital. Unfortunately they wont be back this year but i think Leftfield are going to tick every box available. I honestly think their set is going to the one of the highlights of any rock ness from the last 5 years.

Edited by blackg1000
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Ach well. Can't blame a man for trying. Must agree with you though Jim, just when I thought it couldn't get any better by getting Orbital last year, you get Leftfield this year, it'll be a privilege to see probably the best dance set ever in Scotland. Hats off Jim and thanks very much for the reply, you are the man. Absolutely cannot wait for Rockness this year!!!!!
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