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Annoyed at Lineup

Guest Partysunil

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Hey, I'm going to Reading this year and it will be my 3rd time, however I don't understand why the lineup is so rocky :S. Sure, 2008 had rock bands on it, but not a stupidly large amount like this year, I even gave Rage Against a Machine a chance and thought they were awful! The Killers blew them off the stage the following night! Queens in the Stone Age played that year too and they're back again, can't they find any new bands for a change? :S

Why couldn't there be bands like MGMT, The Enemy and Bloc Party back? Something to get the crowd moving. It's not meant to be a rock festival full of emos and mosh pitting :S

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Hey, I'm going to Reading this year and it will be my 3rd time, however I don't understand why the lineup is so rocky :S. Sure, 2008 had rock bands on it, but not a stupidly large amount like this year, I even gave Rage Against a Machine a chance and thought they were awful! The Killers blew them off the stage the following night! Queens in the Stone Age played that year too and they're back again, can't they find any new bands for a change? :S

Why couldn't there be bands like MGMT, The Enemy and Bloc Party back? Something to get the crowd moving. It's not meant to be a rock festival full of emos and mosh pitting :S

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a clear piss take, but you're never going to please everyone with a festival line-up, certainly not R&L's because these days it attracts such a vast different amount of people expecting different things. much easier to please the Download audience, because everyones there for the same sort of thing.

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Hey, I'm going to Reading this year and it will be my 3rd time, however I don't understand why the lineup is so rocky :S. Sure, 2008 had rock bands on it, but not a stupidly large amount like this year, I even gave Rage Against a Machine a chance and thought they were awful! The Killers blew them off the stage the following night! Queens in the Stone Age played that year too and they're back again, can't they find any new bands for a change? :S

Why couldn't there be bands like MGMT, The Enemy and Bloc Party back? Something to get the crowd moving. It's not meant to be a rock festival full of emos and mosh pitting :S

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Yeah what he said but without the caps.

I hope you enjoy spending £180 on a ticket and watch shit bands. For me and i'm sure alot of other people on this forum this line-up is close to a dream line so you're not gonna get alot of takers on your need for bloc party. I'm sick of hearing flux.

V festival have some good 'indie' bands yano go there. I'm actually going to V aswell but this is just to make the girlfriend smile before i go to a real festival a week later and appreciate some real music.

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Hey, I'm going to Reading this year and it will be my 3rd time, however I don't understand why the lineup is so rocky :S. Sure, 2008 had rock bands on it, but not a stupidly large amount like this year, I even gave Rage Against a Machine a chance and thought they were awful! The Killers blew them off the stage the following night! Queens in the Stone Age played that year too and they're back again, can't they find any new bands for a change? :S

Why couldn't there be bands like MGMT, The Enemy and Bloc Party back? Something to get the crowd moving. It's not meant to be a rock festival full of emos and mosh pitting :S

Edited by choadus
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I wholeheartedly agree with the OP, I was also at 08 - the Killers ripped the place up whilst RATM could hardly get a murmur out of the crowd, wasn't a problem for me as I was in the dance tent with the cool kids :P

And another thing AAAAARRRGGGHHH WHERE IS MY BLOC PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canada :P
Edited by Griptool
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