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Sneaking Into the Festival

Guest cheeseisamazing

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I think he should get the layout for the festival and go there very soon. Mark out the arena in tape and start from a campsite and dig a tunnel under where the arena fence would be and into where the cubicles would be. Then he can put a tent over the entrance to the tunnel and climb out through the toliet and into the arena.


Get him to watch the great escape the day before for some inspiration.


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I think he should get the layout for the festival and go there very soon. Mark out the arena in tape and start from a campsite and dig a tunnel under where the arena fence would be and into where the cubicles would be. Then he can put a tent over the entrance to the tunnel and climb out through the toliet and into the arena.


Get him to watch the great escape the day before for some inspiration.


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hahhaha and he ended up the ejection tent? that's how we know there's some higher power. (eg. GOD)
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not condoning such behaviour,but what if he has two mates inside the arena,one of them takes his weekend/sunday off and gives it to the other one who then takes it outside and gives it to the one without a ticket,they then all meet in the arena and only the ones with the wristbands on go to the bar. surely no one is going through the arena to check if people are wearing wristbands(are they?)

obviously i'm in the 'i've stumped up for a ticket so should you' camp,i'm just putting the theory out there.is there a flaw?

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Last year I talked to someone who had gotten in by using the strap from the stage times thing as a wristband - he just cut it off, wrapped it round his wrist and used a piece of metal to clamp it, and since it was black like the actual wristband and it had the logo on and everything, it looked looked close enough to the real deal at a glance that he was able to get it.

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not condoning such behaviour,but what if he has two mates inside the arena,one of them takes his weekend/sunday off and gives it to the other one who then takes it outside and gives it to the one without a ticket,they then all meet in the arena and only the ones with the wristbands on go to the bar. surely no one is going through the arena to check if people are wearing wristbands(are they?)

obviously i'm in the 'i've stumped up for a ticket so should you' camp,i'm just putting the theory out there.is there a flaw?

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Some guys i go to school with did this last year at V weston, they had a number of wristbands on their arms and got in to the arena on the saturday. One of them rode his luck and tried to get into the camping area and stay for the whole festival. Security pulled him up but he managed to pursuade them that he had a wristband and it had been stolen. Using photo's of him in the arena earlier in the day. They then got him a new wristband!

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i don't think it is a good idea to be honest.

i sneaked into reading on saturday and sunday in 2000 but security looks much tighter these days and i was heavily drunk and severely skint at the time.

tickets are still on sale i believe so just buy some!

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I thought of that too. You could probably make a fair amount of money by buying two tickets and getting two wristbands, but having one loose enough to slip off. Charge £20 or so each time for someone to borrow your second wristband just long enough to get in, then they take it off and give it back so you can go back out and let more people use it to get in.
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I was in the eviction tent, and I assure you, no frigger gets in the arena. I'm sure there's people who hang around like recluses in the camp site who only get day tickets and get away with it by staying in one place, but wheres the fun in that.

As soon as you start moving, someone will notice your band is wrong, there's people hired/volunteered to do so. Then you're out, picture taken. Bye bye.

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i know a lad who didn't get a ticket, went up to leeds on i think the thursday night, showed his wrist full of old festival bands and got in fine.. i guess it was a case of him looking unwashed and confident. he still just stayed in the campsite for the whole weekend though. how dull...

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not condoning such behaviour,but what if he has two mates inside the arena,one of them takes his weekend/sunday off and gives it to the other one who then takes it outside and gives it to the one without a ticket,they then all meet in the arena and only the ones with the wristbands on go to the bar. surely no one is going through the arena to check if people are wearing wristbands(are they?)

obviously i'm in the 'i've stumped up for a ticket so should you' camp,i'm just putting the theory out there.is there a flaw?

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huy guys

I am the origonal poster.

i'm digging the fact this is my 3rd post thats pissed people off. anyway heres my reply.

1. This is my mate. i have a ticket, a early bird coach tiket from brighton in fact.

2. Thank you for the advice, i will tell him theres a very small chance and its really not worth it.

3.thank you for the jokes and stories i have enjoyed reading them

4. to those people getting pissed off i understand. but theres not need to get so angry, i worked hard for my ticket too. there arnt any sunday tickets on sale, save 2nd hand, and that was the reason, not money.

but if ur gonna pick on the people trying to sneak get in for free have ago at the people who get the guest pass's aswell.there are some people i know and one of there dad is a manager and he gets like 10 of them in for free as guests. not to mention they also get backstage pass's (well in to that hangout bit the bbc show) and nice toilets.

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Below is the production road that runs at the crew end of Reading - the fence to the right is the small holding allotments and behind that is a high speed rail link which does have security and Police but a few slip past - one year two jokers must have risked it as they reached the wall - they would have thought that wall led straight into the arena but they were wrong in fact it led straight into the WBC Staff Campsite { which is in between the two walls } and as the wall is metal they made a right racket climbing over -

it was not their lucky day as the part they decided to climb over was a sectioned off area where WBC Security keep their guard dogs { God knows how they did not hear them as the dogs were going nuts } - they jumped into the dog compound but then tried to climb back out { not easy when you have dogs jumping on you } - by now most of the WBC camp was awake and security was running from all the gates and they were quickly caught - I bet they never tried that again.


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