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Day bag

Guest muddyslingbax

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I use one of those 50p Ikea bags - well tough, take a load of weight inside them, and not too gutted if i manage to somehow lose it during the evening.

Or I take a plastic carrier bag. And just ditch it as day goes on (in a bin of course). Anything that I didn't need earlier (jumper, coat etc) will just be worn when it gets cold, and anything else will no doubt be drunk eaten or lost...

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I bought a cool bag back pack so Beers stay nice and cold not massive just right.. oh and a husband to lug it around always helps :P and for me just a small across the shoulder bag big enough for money loo roll (the tiny ones from andrex) and camera.

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  muddyslingbax said:
The one i tend to use is slightly too small but comfy; a small girlie converse back pack in silver :P

I've often looked on in envy at the thin nylon sacks with rope strings but wondered if they become uncomfortable when full?

Grateful for any insight into what you use, ta :P

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  • 3 weeks later...


My Platypus/Camelbak lookalike bag (erm...one of those drinks bladder style ones) I picked up at Lidl in 05 for a fiver is brilliant.

It fits my litre bottle of portable cocktail, has 2 side pockets for water and tissue packs. 2 sections, one front for general female crap and festy tat that I carry around, the back section large enough for a small jumper, piece of plastic for sitting on and the drinks bottles and cans and it has loops that can allow for a tripod chair to be attached too.

I also have a carabiner attached for hanging up in toilets and crash barriers.

Its quite well used now and the material that keeps the front section apart from the back has split but 15 safety pins has fixed this problem now. Am off to sew up my 8 year old trusty Argos rucksack in a sec too by using the material from an old camping chair. Recycle, reuse.

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I always use a cheap kiddies swim/trainer bag. Different one every year as they inevitably get completrly trashed.

This year I will be sporting The Mr Men. This I use to carry a couple of cans/bottles, mars bars,space blankets for sitting on, fleece and waterproofs for when it gets bit nippy in the evening.

My money and phone go in my super cool and trendy bum bag. Yes bum bags are super cool and don't let anyone tell you any different :P

Edited by Edi M
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What a great question..one that i've been ponding myself. I bought a shoulder bag from ebay but i'm thinking that it might be a bit small if i want to carry around drink etc however i don't want to get one too big as i want to dance! Mmmm dilemma!

i did think about taking a small rucksack but thought i might be more susceptible to people getting in and stealing from behind when i won't notice.... do you think i should worry about that or is taking a small rucksack a good idea?

i'm liking the bag that folds into a ball :)

oh and thanks luciousLucy for the carabiner idea, I hadn't thought about the toilets and not being able to put my bag down when i go!!

i'll be hitting the shops for glasto stuff this weekend - still can't believe i'm going!

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  On 6/16/2010 at 9:33 PM, Ali1980 said:

oh and thanks luciousLucy for the carabiner idea, I hadn't thought about the toilets and not being able to put my bag down when i go!!

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