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What's Happened to Info Man?

Guest GlastonburyFestivalVeteran

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Every year I've been able to get accurate advice and help with questions I had about Glastonbury Festival from emailing Info Man on the Glastonbury Festival website. I logged on to their site today to contact him and it looks like the powers that be have removed him because his email's not given anymore on the office page.

While we all do our best to help each other with answering our questions on this site, I have noticed that sometimes people are not giving correct information or don't have answers to the questions. Info Man always got back to me quickly and did his best to help. I really liked the personal touch - for me it's part of what Glastonbury is about. Has anyone else used his services? I'm going to let the Festival know I'm not happy about it. Looks like even Glasto is going corporate and impersonal.

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Forgive me but this seems a strange question from someone who has just signed up to use efests? If you saw someone getting the wrong advice why didn't you create a profile there and then and correct them?

Unless you are infoman??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every year I've been able to get accurate advice and help with questions I had about Glastonbury Festival from emailing Info Man on the Glastonbury Festival website. I logged on to their site today to contact him and it looks like the powers that be have removed him because his email's not given anymore on the office page.

While we all do our best to help each other with answering our questions on this site, I have noticed that sometimes people are not giving correct information or don't have answers to the questions. Info Man always got back to me quickly and did his best to help. I really liked the personal touch - for me it's part of what Glastonbury is about. Has anyone else used his services? I'm going to let the Festival know I'm not happy about it. Looks like even Glasto is going corporate and impersonal.

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I think Stephen (aka infoman) is rightly bitter that after 25 years of helping us and gfl, he's been seemingly unceremonously dumped, and ignored by the 'powers that be'

Its very sad as obviously he has dedicated a large chunk of his life to helping glasto. He now is doubtful about going to this years festival

its a shame

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what has happened?

I found this thread through the facebook group and it's hard to work out what's happened. If he resigned then hasn't he shot himself in the foot so far as any compensation or redundancy goes? Someone in the discussion part of that facebook group or on teh wall (I can't remember) has mentioned having protests at the farm during the festival which is a bit over the top if you ask me but then I don't really understand if he was sacked or left.

Edited by sparklypseudonym
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I suspect, very much, that you are none other than infoman in disguise! (Cue dramatic music) Right, I shall don a Jessica Fletcher style wig and explain my thinking: Clue a) like someone said it's slightly suspicious that you're a newbie who signed up to ask such a question. Clue B) The day you joined the board and posted this question was June 1st, which if you go to that facebook page is exactly the same day that infoman resigned/ was forced out. My final clue was in the terminology you used- refering to him being removed by "the powers that be", which is an odd assumption to make when it has only just happened on the day that you're posting, and also you said "I really liked the personal touch - for me it's part of what glastonbury is about", which is very similar to infoman's message on the facebook site, where he says his departure will mean the festival will lose "the personal touch".

(the police arrive to take the exposed infoman-in-disguise away while Mr.Tease shakes his head in disappointed dismay) ;)

I do like the cunning of you launching a clandestine campaign to get your job back- especially on these boards- aren't you and Neil sworn enemies from way back? Very brasen! Anyways, although I've never used your service or had any dealings with you, I'm sorry to hear you lost your job- it can be pretty devistating and angering especially when you feel you've contributed so much and have been dismissed in an offhanded way. But you know, as long as you feel you've done a job, then at the end of the day thats what matters and f*ck whether other people acknowledge or recognise it!

Edited by B0B2oo9
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Long term lurker comes out of woodwork to pass on a message from the organiser of the Facebook group:

I'm sure somebody here is a member of efestivals, unfortunately I am not (yet), so can I ask a favour? I would like somebody to put a post on there to let them know that this group is NOT calling for protests, the m...ain idea behind this group is to group together people who are not pleased with what has happened with Infoman.

I did mention a post that it was an idea, a bit of fun for a 10 minute flash crowd, but it's hardly going to be "over the top".

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