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Essential items to take with a VW camper

Guest spunkflower

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Just wondering if anyone has a idea of "essential" items I need to be bringing with me and my 65 splitty - its touch and go if she will be making the trip at all! her flex plate shattered last week now the starter motors on the way out and needs a good tap every time you start her off!!!

This is the 1st time ive been so far in the camper and my 1st glasto so will i need leveling blocks or something to drive onto if it gets muddy? i have a jump start set im guessing this will come in useful is there anything else apart from oil that i will need?

sorry if this sounds daft i am in no way mechanically minded and worried i will forget something very important!!

also as we are there from the tuesday how many times and for how long do people start their vans and let them turn over for a bit? ive always been rubbish at doin this!

and tips and hints would be great and if anyone knows of any local VW garages near glasto incase the worst happens this would be fab!


Jen x

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You can get a solar powered car battery charger from Maplins for about 15-20 quid. It won't charge the battery from flat but if you connect it up and stick it on the dashboard it will keep a trickle of charge to the battery while it's parked up and you're out for the day. I think the more you spend, the more powerful they are.

Perhaps a set of points and a distributor cap to keep in the glovebox - the AA man would hug you if that's what had gone.

A packet of tie wraps/zip ties and a roll of electrical insulation tape could get you out of the proverbial.

Good luck and keep it on the road :)

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  On 6/17/2010 at 7:32 PM, refriedgenes said:

You can get a solar powered car battery charger from Maplins for about 15-20 quid. It won't charge the battery from flat but if you connect it up and stick it on the dashboard it will keep a trickle of charge to the battery while it's parked up and you're out for the day. I think the more you spend, the more powerful they are.

Perhaps a set of points and a distributor cap to keep in the glovebox - the AA man would hug you if that's what had gone.

A packet of tie wraps/zip ties and a roll of electrical insulation tape could get you out of the proverbial.

Good luck and keep it on the road :)

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  On 6/17/2010 at 7:23 PM, spunkflower said:

Just wondering if anyone has a idea of "essential" items I need to be bringing with me and my 65 splitty - its touch and go if she will be making the trip at all! her flex plate shattered last week now the starter motors on the way out and needs a good tap every time you start her off!!!

This is the 1st time ive been so far in the camper and my 1st glasto so will i need leveling blocks or something to drive onto if it gets muddy? i have a jump start set im guessing this will come in useful is there anything else apart from oil that i will need?

sorry if this sounds daft i am in no way mechanically minded and worried i will forget something very important!!

also as we are there from the tuesday how many times and for how long do people start their vans and let them turn over for a bit? ive always been rubbish at doin this!

and tips and hints would be great and if anyone knows of any local VW garages near glasto incase the worst happens this would be fab!


Jen x

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  On 6/17/2010 at 8:29 PM, miniand said:

You have a splitty and your not mechanically minded :huh:

Make sure your fuel pipes are in good order b4 you go anywhere, they are one the biggest causes of write offs in old v dubs, a fire in the engine compartment is the last thing you need/want. My dad had a T2 years ago, I'm an engineer but don't own an old one but have read up on them. You can bring ramps they will help on gentle gradients, last two years have taken a caravan towed with a t5. Got stuck in mud last year and everyone behind got out and pushed us. T1's 2's 3's(2.5's) have engine at back giving better traction so don't get stuck as much. But if your blocking the exit to the field the people behind you will get out and give you a push.....

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Join the RAC, my husband is an engineer and very mechanically minded but still needs their help when our 1967 MK 2 Jaguar breaks down, 3 times on the way last year!! Fuses where what we needed that time!! Bringing my Passat thankfully this time as the Jag is off the road at the moment. :)

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Hi Jen,

I'm taking my 1966 splitty (3rd year running) what side are you camping on?? we're West side! mines red and cream with chrome Fuch's. come over and say hi if you're passing.

the essentials I always have in the back of the van are:

duct tape.

flexible gardening wire.

pull ties.

hose clips.

some 20amp wire & terminals.


rubber gloves (coz I like the feel!)

can of easy start

can of WD 40

can of tire weld


set of metric spanners,

set of screwdrivers + one of those 12" long big ones (good for prying things apart)

good jack + brace


stanley knife

long and short nose pliers

pair of grips

I always carry one of those jump start units (from Halfords)

apart from that your in the hands of the gods!!

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Can't remember exactly what is in my emergency kit, but at the very least plugs, points, condenser & fan belt... Should the worst happen and you need to call the AA the chances of them carrying parts for your engine are pretty slim but they can fit them if you have them!

Also worth checking you can actually get the leads from the jump pack to the battery terminals if you haven't used it before as they don't always fit into the engine bay (but this may just be a problem with type 4 engines, cant remember!)

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  On 6/18/2010 at 8:49 AM, bazza said:

Hi Jen,

I'm taking my 1966 splitty (3rd year running) what side are you camping on?? we're West side! mines red and cream with chrome Fuch's. come over and say hi if you're passing.

the essentials I always have in the back of the van are:

duct tape.

flexible gardening wire.

pull ties.

hose clips.

some 20amp wire & terminals.


rubber gloves (coz I like the feel!)

can of easy start

can of WD 40

can of tire weld


set of metric spanners,

set of screwdrivers + one of those 12" long big ones (good for prying things apart)

good jack + brace


stanley knife

long and short nose pliers

pair of grips

I always carry one of those jump start units (from Halfords)

apart from that your in the hands of the gods!!

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We're coming down in our 65' splitty on Tuesday too :D

Ours is sealing wax red and biege grey, we're coming from Leeds so maybe we'll see you on the way down, wave to us if you see me on the hard shoulder, scratching my head and looking at the engine :D

I only got her back on Wednesday as she's been away for 2 1/2 months having a new camping interior fitted, I've been driving around with a massive grin on my face ever since. This is our 3 time I think I might actually wee!

Feel free to pop over though if you see us, we'll be in the East Fields

Here's some pictures I took last night.






Sorry for the pics but I just love showing her off at the moment

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I have a splitty but not taking her that far this year - but take duct tape / fire extinguisher /jump leads and the rest the AA / RAC will sort out for you. I am going this year in my T25 ( blue/white high top - blue Khyam awning-) - feel free to ask for supplies - East field somewhere. Cheers Rob

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  On 6/18/2010 at 8:49 AM, bazza said:

Hi Jen,

I'm taking my 1966 splitty (3rd year running) what side are you camping on?? we're West side! mines red and cream with chrome Fuch's. come over and say hi if you're passing.

the essentials I always have in the back of the van are:

can of easy start

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