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How to do glasto cheap as possible

Guest saratink

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  On 6/18/2010 at 3:29 PM, south wales sara ! said:

O good idea hah :D

ive never had to do glasto on the cheap so this is a brand new experience for me :P

Normally do it loads of food, lots of booze, now its gona be lots of booze not so much food :P

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Without the ability to boil water! :huh:

How uncivilised! :blink:

I quick metal think thunk and I suspect you should consider some of these.

- bread, (for the 3 or so days it lasts)

- crisp bakes/rice cakes, (because they do last)

- spreads (not in glass jars)

- fruit (might not last)

- Nuts

- Biltong/jerky

- Biscuits

- Cereal bars

- A blocks of jelly (for that energy rush)

Brioche and unlevend breads like naam and pita breads tends to last and should last the whole festival.

Hmm, If you can get milk on site (I know you can but I'm never up in time to catch the milk float/flatbed), cereal/musili

If you are really really skint:

You might wind up on first name terms with the krishnas.

I have previosuly seen food stalls over the Greenfeilds/Avalon area offering a fill your face meal for an hours washing up. :O

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Some of the places (in the green fields type area I think) do free food for an hours washing up.

Just yeah, honey and bread, nut bars, bags of peanuts, cakes... or just blow your cash...

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If money is an issue I'd suggest a cat can stove. Then all you need is a pot stand, a pot and maybe a windscreen. And meths. :)

The whole lot will only set you back a few quid, even if you have to buy the materials. Weighs almost nothing, costs almost nothing, takes up little space and opens up a whole exciting world of pot noodling. :)

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  On 6/18/2010 at 10:16 PM, musky said:

If money is an issue I'd suggest a cat can stove. Then all you need is a pot stand, a pot and maybe a windscreen. And meths. :)

The whole lot will only set you back a few quid, even if you have to buy the materials. Weighs almost nothing, costs almost nothing, takes up little space and opens up a whole exciting world of pot noodling. :)

Edited by HurrahBrother
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yeah i'm concerned about the expensive prices for food and beer that i've heard about so am bringing lots of nuts, cereal bars, bread, rice cakes anything that i don't have to cook really so then i can spend more on the beer!

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A can stove (and cans!) are heavy so if you're weak and feable like me then take pop tarts. slip a packet in your bag for walking round the festival. they still taste good cold and fill you up. Bread is OK - but remember to wrap it in a few plastic bags as ants can easily get to it. Remember to take honey etc in a plastic jar. Don't take chocolate - it will just melt. If you can, try to eat one proper meal a day. Away from the main stages prices are definately better and you'll realy feel the benefit. Remember that you can take your cans round with you - really saves on trips to the bar. Finally, don't get too down about your lack of funds and just concentrate on having fun!

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