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getting hold of

Guest ronburgandy54

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hello people,

I would like some advice. Advice on drugs to be specific.

Now, i'm not very experienced when it comes to buying the drugs, so can someone tell me if I will be able to get hold of some at Reading this year. And what should I ask for (I wouldn't want to look silly!), and are there any secret handshakes or codes I need to be aware of? I have seen the Hollywood movie Scarface and but i'm not sure how much use that will be.

Also, if i'm going to have to get some drugs before i go, would i have to put it up my anus? As I have a pile, and it could be a bit tricky!

I have done the Weed before, but any tips on the good ones to do would also be welcome.

thank you

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  On 8/22/2010 at 4:27 PM, Mark E. Spliff said:

Try and get some smack. It's a lovely more-ish hit and worth the extra price. A big helping every morning always sets me up for the day. If possible, try and get some of the wholegrain organic stuff though - I find it's a lot tastier and I've heard that it's got much higher nutrient levels than some of the more refined stuff.

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  On 8/22/2010 at 1:15 PM, ronburgandy54 said:

hello people,

I would like some advice. Advice on drugs to be specific.

Now, i'm not very experienced when it comes to buying the drugs, so can someone tell me if I will be able to get hold of some at Reading this year. And what should I ask for (I wouldn't want to look silly!), and are there any secret handshakes or codes I need to be aware of? I have seen the Hollywood movie Scarface and but i'm not sure how much use that will be.

Also, if i'm going to have to get some drugs before i go, would i have to put it up my anus? As I have a pile, and it could be a bit tricky!

I have done the Weed before, but any tips on the good ones to do would also be welcome.

thank you

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  On 8/22/2010 at 1:15 PM, ronburgandy54 said:

hello people,

I would like some advice. Advice on drugs to be specific.

Now, i'm not very experienced when it comes to buying the drugs, so can someone tell me if I will be able to get hold of some at Reading this year. And what should I ask for (I wouldn't want to look silly!), and are there any secret handshakes or codes I need to be aware of? I have seen the Hollywood movie Scarface and but i'm not sure how much use that will be.

Also, if i'm going to have to get some drugs before i go, would i have to put it up my anus? As I have a pile, and it could be a bit tricky!

I have done the Weed before, but any tips on the good ones to do would also be welcome.

thank you

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