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What podcasts do you listen to?

Guest pink_triangle

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As radio in this country is so terrible I tend to listen to a few podcasts as Im on the road a lot. If anyone has any reccomendations I would be interested to try some new stuff. I currently subscribe to.

1. Kermode and mayo film review - A bit long which means that it can drag at times. Find the reviews interesting in terms of seeing whats coming out but there is a bit of a tendancy that blockbuster = crap, foreign or independant film = great.

2. Guardian/ times football podcasts - Both great and in james richardson and marcotti have 2 of the best football reporters in the country. Why we have to put up with shearer, hansen et al ahead of these is anyones guess. Both look beyond the hype of the premiership we get in the tabloids and actually seem to do their research about thins non premiership

3. 5 live world football phone in - My favourite podcast, vickery, brassel and wheelock all really know their stuff but dont come across pompous like many of the summarisers on bbc and itv. Also considering the mainstream media pretty much ignores non premeriship footbsll bar barca and real madrid it it a great place to keep up to date with whats happening globally.

4. 6 music weekly new releases - Only really listen to it because I cant find any better podcasts for previewing new releases. Presetervery pompous and are like a radio version of nme. Mainstream bands = crap, little known indie bands = great.

5. Guardian politics - A little hit and miss but again havent found anything better.

What does anyone else subscribe to, any reccomendations??

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  • 11 months later...

Aside from what's already been mentioned;

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. For anyone with even a slight interest in history, it's a must. His Ghosts of the Ostfront series was utterly superb.

The Drunk Tank. Loosely a gaming podcast that is very, very hit and miss. When it's on form, there's little out there that's funnier.

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The Tuesday Club is a really funny podcast. Its Arsenal'centric but hosted by Alan Davies and is very good.

Unless you listen to the shows Richard Bacon and Fighting Talk also work well on podcast and even the teamtalk podcast isn't bad.

Unrelated to football i enjoy the iax podcasts.

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gaming podcasts

painkilleralready is fucking brilliant

ignuk used to be good until they brought this female in that really ruined the team dynamic (call me sexist if you like - even though you are wrong)

sarcastic gamer - everything they turn out - except for sg:uk, which is bawz.

the good atheist - great podcast

metal hammer podcast - has got infinitely better since terry beezer left, the new cohost - comedian stephen hill, is fucking brilliant. I have genuinely cried laughing listening to his rants and stories.

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