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Domestic Problems Number Two

Guest sifi

Party time!  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. If you bring beer to a party and not all of it is consumed, can you take the remainder with you as you leave the party?

    • You brought it, it's yours to do what you wish
    • No. Title changed upon walking across the threshold
    • You can sneak one for the road in your pocket as you leave

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I`ve now degenerated into taking a few cans of Lidls shite ale and helping mesell to whatever I can lay me hands on! :(

It is very much a question of the type of party it is and perhaps your relationship to the host.

My best mate has quite a few parties/gatherings every year and he knows my pozzy...so he just wants me to go and drink as much as i can make disappear.

Funny thing eh...drink and sharing etc... but one thing I would very openly share at a party is green... regardless of any monetary issues.

Do you share your green?


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great thread!

I would leave mine, unless it was a full pack and then probably take that back.. not that is ever gonna happen :P

Kinda like being at a festival, everyone shares.. takes plenty and usually there is some left after the weekend.. then everyone tries to drink whats left before going home :lol:

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If I go to a party I would take enough for myself, plus a little bit extra, and normally something for the host as well. All of my friends would do this. We all bring what we want to drink so there's no need to share. If someone runs out then they'll usually ask someone if they can have a few cans. Most of my friends are students/recent graduates so thats how we roll :P

In terms of the original question, if someone leaves booze it is the host's. It is acceptable to take a couple of cans for the road. You can, at the host's discretion, ask for some or all of your booze to be kept for a future event.

The only time I would take booze away is if it was particularly expensive (e.g. beers from WEST, or a good bottle of vodka)

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People in their 18-mid 20's oaf! We go to parties and bring enough, or a bit more than enough just incase, for us to drink. There normally is stuff that gets shared about, but it isn't a free for all because we don't have enough cash for it to be a free for all. And no there's no effort into having a party, you're thinking with your '30+' year old head on. Parties happen just by sending a few texts and phone calls, it's not an organised thing for younger people because we haven't got the 'ugghh need to clean this, and have this all pretty, and make sure these are out, and put this on' mentality of people like you who take middle age far far too seriously. It's not about keeping up with the Jones's either, it's about having a good time, and the best time can be had if the cost is split, and it is split if everyone brings their own. 16-25 year olds again oaf, generaly can't afford to spend £60+ on crates of beer and cider!

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Nah you have two types of 30's people. The ones that are alright and the ones that clean their entire house if they're having folk round to party, and the first thing they think of the next day is cleaning the entire house again.

The later category is stereotyped middle aged person thinking lol. I didn't mean it like that tho. I worded it pretty badly.

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Yes, but to be fair, the people who are saying it are from Scotland, and life expectancy is so low there that the decade 30-40 would be classified as middle aged. There is somewhere there called Calton where a man can realistically expect to live until the ripe old age of 54.

And before I get flamed by the costa nostra scozzese, linky here

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I think mebbe some people are confusing a party with 'having a few mates over'

If its a few mates over then I think its OK for everyone to drink their own & take home whatever's left.

If its a party, the host gets in a couple of crates/bottles of wine/cheap spirits, guests bring some too, a bit more than you'll drink rather than less.

I would say see how you go with other people's drinks; don't make a beeline for them the minute you enter, or open bottles of champagne etc. But its okay to drink others as time goes on, as long as supply isn't running out. And then its definitely ok to take a couple of the road.

That's how I've thought since I finished high school I think; ever since everyone has had their own cash anyway.

Its just being polite, innit.

('Mind' is definitely definitely Scottish btw, all my Scottish relatives say it, and I've never heard from a non-Scot.)

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Nope. People like yourself create problems and tasks. Things that aren't real problems or tasks but you make them that. Is anyone gonna care if they come for a drink at your house and the kitchen isn't spotless? Nope, but the problem is thought of as if they were.

Not all people in their 30's think along stereotyped middle aged problem lines, some do tho, and I find that depressing.

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